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作者:佚名  文章来源:中华眼科在线  点击数3551  更新时间:3/23/2010 9:46:44 AM  文章录入:王社岭  责任编辑:王社岭



  医院先后多次获得江苏省文明单位标兵、全国医院文化建设先进单位、省用户满意服务明星单位、无锡市文明单位、无锡市十佳医院等荣誉称号。2008年完成门急诊医疗62万人次,出院人次2.16万人次。  2006年顺利通过江苏省基本现代化医院专家组评审,2007年医院又被国家中医药管理局正式确认为全国重点中西医结合医院建设单位,医院建设发展步入崭新时期。


  The forging ahead Wuxi Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine hospital/ Wuxi No.3 people’s hospital in Jiangsu province

  Located in northern gate of Wuxi City, Wuxi Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine hospital (Wuxi No.3 people’s hospital) is a municipal general hospital with the medical, teaching, research, prevention, health care for the integration, and currently the largest First Class of the third Grade hospital in Jiangsu. It was founded in 1929, and now is synchronously as the No.3 affiliated hospital of Nantong University, the teaching hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu University, Yangzhou University and Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Master Training Point of Nantong University, with Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Institute, as well as abdominal diseases research center of Jiangsu Province Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Institute. There are 98 high-level and skilled health staff, 16 master mentors, and nearly 100 part-time professors, associate professors in the hospital. There are also advanced multi-slice spiral CT, MRI, DSA, DR, burn treatment suspension fluid bed, 24 seats hyperbaric oxygen chamber, and other high-end medical equipment.

  Hospital opens 760 beds, with 37 clinical specialties, 12 medical departments, and 19 wards. Currently, it constructed the three degrees on the specialist group of provincial, city, and hospital focus on the burn unit, the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine department of gastrointestinal diseases, orthopedics, cardiovascular medicine and ten characteristics specialists adept at combining traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment. Hospital carries out all of essential technology projects that a First Class of the third Grade hospital could, of which domestic first Liver and kidney transplant after kidney transplantation, large area burn treatment, hip treatment combining traditional Chinese and western medicine, the high cervical spine surgery, children with congenital heart disease intervention, Kidney transplantation, emergency of craniocerebral trauma, cardiac surgery and other new technology projects to achieve the higher academic standards. 40 research projects were given the Ministry of Health and the provincial and municipal Technology Progress Awards respectively, more than 400 academic papers are published in professional journal above the provincial level each year.

  Hospital has been repeatedly rated as Jiangsu Province civilization pacesetters and Wuxi City advanced collective, Wuxi City civilized units, Wuxi City Best 10 Hospitals Honor. In 2006, hospital completed outpatient and emergency medical with 616,100 passengers, 325,100 use of hospital beds and total operating income of 280 million yuan. On the basis of the smooth passage of the accreditation taken by Jiangsu Provincial basic modernization Hospital experts group, recently, Hospital was also officially recognized as a construction unit of National key integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital by State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and became the first sole national key hospital construction unit in Wuxi, whose construction and development entered into a new era.



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