常见眼科手术名称英汉对照 |
http://www.cnophol.com 2007-12-13 16:00:35 中华眼科在线 |
眼内容摘除术 exenteration of eyeball "羟基磷灰石眼台hydroxyapatite block scaffolding " 眼球摘除术 enucleation of eyeball 眼球摘除+植入术 enucleation of eyeball and implantation of orbital implant "含取真皮脂肪垫including obtain dermis fat pad" "羟基磷灰石眼台 hydroxyapatite block scaffolding " 义眼安装 prosthesis fitting 义眼台打孔术 hydroxyapatite block scaffolding perforating procedure" 活动性义眼眼座植入术 implantation of active orbital implant 眶内血肿穿刺术 intraorbital hematoma centesis" 眶内肿物摘除术 extraction of intraorbital tumor "包括前路摘除及侧壁开眶including anterior and lateral orbitotomy " 眶内容摘除术 exenteration of orbit(evisceration of orbit) "不含植皮excluding skin graft" 上颌骨切除合并眶内容摘除术 maxillectomy and evisceration of orbit 眼窝填充术 eye socket filling "羟基磷灰石眼台hydroxyapatite block scaffolding " 眼窝再造术 reconstruction of contracted socket "球后假体材料retrobulbar prosthetic material" 眼眶壁骨折整复术 orbital wall fracture prosthesis 眶骨缺损修复术 os orbitale defect prosthesis 眶膈修补术 septum orbitale neoplasty 眼眶减压术 orbital decompression procedure 眼前段重建术 reconstruction of ocular anterior segment 视神经减压术 optic nerve (canal) decompression procedure 眶距增宽症整形术 Surgical correction of orbital hypertelorism 隆眉弓术 Eyebrow Enlargement" 眉畸形矫正术 eyebrow orthopedic procedure" "包括“八”字眉、眉移位等 including v eyebrow, eyebrow displacement" 眉缺损修复术 defect of eyebrow prosthesis" "包括部分缺损、全部缺损including segmental defect,total defect"
(来源:dxy.cn)(责编:xhhdm) |
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