陈晓钟 眼科教授 主任医师 硕士生导师,解放军第四军医大学眼科硕士毕业,曾任成都军区眼科中心主任,解放军第44医院五官中心主任,成都军区眼科专业委员会及省级眼科学会副主任委员、市级眼科学会主任委员,解放军眼科专业委员会委员、擅长于玻璃体视网膜、屈光不正手术、白内障、眼部整形等各种疑难病症的诊治。在国际、国内刊物及学术会议上发表及交流论文二十余篇,获军队科技进步三等奖、四等奖三项,国家专利一项,先后获扶残助残先进个人、省劳动模范等光荣称号。待人亲切温和,医术精湛、德高望重,深受同事们的敬重和广大患者的信赖。
Chen Xiaozhong-----Professor, chief physician, master tutor. Graduated from Guiyang Medical College. Appointed the director of Chengdu Military Ophthalmology center and the Liberator 44th hospital. Chengdu military Ophthalmology Speciality Committee member, Guizhou province Ophthalmology Speciality Committee Vice-director member. Liberator Ophthalmology Speciality Committee member. Specialized in makethe diagnosis and give the treatment kinds ofcommunicated diseases such as vitreous body, retina, ametropia surgery, cataract, eye-part plastic,ect. Published over 20 dissertations on the international and national publishers and learning conferences. Wan many awards such as the third and forth award in Military Science and Technology and one national patent. And gained province model worker; support the disable precursor, ect. |