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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-7-21 13:36:06 中华眼科在线

   【摘要】 目的  比较综合疗法治疗学龄前儿童各类屈光不正性弱视的疗效。 方法  应用综合疗法治疗学龄前儿童屈光不正性弱视856例(1621眼),其中按屈光类型分为远视性弱视1232眼,近视性弱视81眼,混合散光性弱视308眼,按弱视程度分为轻度弱视644眼,中度弱视880眼,重度弱视97眼。分别对不同类型弱视的疗效进行比较。 结果  远视性弱视组治愈率86.93%,近视性弱视组治愈率66.67%,混合散光性弱视组治愈率86.69%。轻、中、重度弱视治愈率分别是97.67%、80.68%、54.64%。 结论  用综合疗法治疗儿童屈光性弱视的疗效与屈光不正的性质有关,其中远视性和混合散光性的弱视疗效较佳,近视性弱视疗效较差(P<0.005)。疗效与弱视的程度有关,弱视的程度越轻疗效越好,弱视程度越重疗效越差,重度弱视疗效差(P<0.005)。
  Analysis on effect of combined therapy in preschool children with ametropic amblyopia
  Liu Yu,Guan Guohua,Ye Yi,et al.
    Department of Ophthalmology,Maternity and Children Health Care Institute of Nanhai,Foshan528200
    【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the effect of combined therapy in preschool children with different ametropic amblyopia.Methods 856preschool children with ametropic amblyopia(1621eyes)were treated with combined therapy.Among these patients there were1232eyes hyperopic amblyopia,81eyes myopic amblyopia and308eyes mixed astigmat-ic amblyopia according to ametropia type,and there were644eyes light amblyopia,880eyes medium amblyopia and97eyes severe amblyopia according to amblyopia degree.The curative effect in different amblyopia types was compared with each other.Results The cure rate in hyperopic amblyopia was86.93%,while that in myopic amblyopia was66.67%,and in mixed astigmatic amblyopia was86.69%.The cure rate in light,medium and severe amblyopia were97.67%,80.68%and54.64%respectively.Conclusion The curative effect of combined therapy in preschool children with ametropic amblyopia is related to ametropia type.The cure rate in hyperopic and mixed astigmatic amblyopia are better than that in myopic amblyopia(P<0.005).The curative effect is also related to amblyopia degree.The lighter the am-blyopia degree is,the better the effect is,and the more severe the amblyopia degree is,the worse the effect is.The cure rate in light amblyopia is better than that in medium amblyopia,while that in severe amblyopia is the worst(P<0.005).
  Key words amblyopia ametropic children preschool
  弱视是一种常见儿童眼病,因其严重影响儿童双眼视觉的发育,如不及时有效地治疗,将造成患者终身视力低下,影响日常生活和学习。屈光不正是引起弱视的主要原因,屈光不正性弱视是各类弱视中最常见的类型 [1,2] ,及时有效的治疗对儿童视觉的正常发育极为重要。现将我院近3年来,用综合疗法治疗学龄前儿童各类屈光不正性弱视的疗效进行分析。
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料 2001年1月~2003年12月期间确诊的学龄前屈光不正性弱视儿童856例(1621眼),初诊年龄3.5~6岁,平均5.1岁。其中男450例(848眼),女406例(773眼)。

    1.2 方法 将初查远视力低于0.9的学龄前儿童以1%阿托品眼膏常规散瞳验光,3周后复诊行远近视力、眼位、眼底及注视性质等常规检查。对确诊的屈光不正性弱视,将单纯性近视、单纯性近视散光和复性近视散光引起的弱视归纳为近视性弱视,将单纯性远视、单纯性远视散光和复性远视散光引起的弱视归纳为远视性弱视,其它归纳为混合散光性弱视。所有弱视患儿均予以配镜矫正屈光不正,对单眼弱视者配合使用传统遮盖疗法,同时应用由广州市博视医疗保健研究所研制的BS-5型综合弱视治疗仪对患儿进行治疗。该弱视治疗仪包括红闪、Haidinger刷、CAM光栅刺激、视觉生理刺激、等级视标精细目力训练、对比敏感度训练及后像增视等7种功能。每日治疗1次,30d为1 疗程,每疗程结束后复查1次,视力达到1.0后继续巩固治疗1个月后停止治疗,定期门诊复诊,根据患者屈光度变化调整配镜度数。
  1.3 诊疗标准 弱视诊断、分类及疗效判定标准按全国儿童斜视弱视防治学组1996年所规定的标准 [3] 。
  1.4 统计学方法 本资料数据统计采用χ 2检验。

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