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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-8-15 14:29:18 中华眼科在线

Fig3 Verteporfin activated by non-themal laser

  .Treatment of ARMD with PDT-The TAP Trial,first results available in 1999

  .Verteporfin in Photodynamic therpay-The VIP Trial,first results available in 2000

  The purpose of these studies is to confirm the potential of PDT with verteporfin in the majority of patients with classic and occult CNV secondary to ARMD.

Fig4 Treated area showing CNV occlusion


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  from CIBA Vision Medical Affairs,Hong Kong


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(来源:眼视光学杂志 1999年第2期第1卷 新技术介绍)(责编:zhanghui)






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