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The antagonising effect of tranilast  on the TGF-β1 in TM cells

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-5-29 12:15:01 中华眼科在线

    基础             1954                                      PO0138

    The antagonising effect of tranilast  on the TGF-β1 in TM cells

    Ma junze  zhang dexiu  xiong quanchen

    西安交通大学第二医院眼科 710004

    Objective: To establish the method of culturing bovin trabecular meshwork cell (TM cell) and to investigate the effects of  tranilast on the TM cells growth inhibition  and collagen synthesis  increase  induced by TGF-β1 in vitro .Then,we have a primary study of the inhibiting effect of tranilast on TGF-β1. And to probe the possibility of tranilast in the therapy of POAG.

    Methods: (1) The bovine TM cells were cultured by general method and cells were identified by immnocytochemistry method (NSE. and Ⅷ factor related antigen and vimentin dye). The growing characteristics and morphological feature of cultured primary and passaged cells were observed by inverted microscope and electron-microscope (2). The third passage cells were incubated with TGF-β1 (1.5ng/ml,final concentration) and different dosage of tranilast (0,15,25,50ug/ml, final concentration) for 48h.  Then use the MTT method to know the cellular growth. Collage synthesis was indirectedly professed through detecting the HYP of medium with chemistry method. the result was analyzed by the SPSS computer analytical system and statistical-test. 

    Results:  (1) The cell of bovine trabecular meshwork had been cultured successfully. The liveing rate of trabecular meshwork cells was 80-100%. ( (2). Tranilast can antagonise the growth inhibition  and the collage synthesis effect of TGF-β1 on the TM cells.

    Conclusion:(1) Establishing the method of culturing bovine trabecular meshwork cells was an important method for researching the characteristics of  TM cells. This study indicated that selectively collecting TM tissue was a precondition for successfully culturing bovine TM cells.( (2).Tranilast can partly antagonise the effect of TGF-βon the TM cells,which indicated that it can have the potential value in the cure of the POAG. .



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