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Prevalence and risk factors of pterygium

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-8-10 16:27:39 中华眼科在线

  Cameron believed the overall tendency of the prevalence of pterygium increased with older age, and reached the peak at 7080[24].

  Gender  Reports on whether gender is related to pterygium have been debated. The ZES found a statistical significance in pterygia between men and women, and women had a higher risk level than men (OR, 1.5; 95%CI: 1.22.0) [19]. Women were at higher risk than men, which is consistent with reports from the two studies conducted in China[15, 16]. Tibetan people have a unique lifestyle which often involves much rural and outdoor work. Tibet has always been a matriarchal society and women are still heavily engaged in outdoor work and they do not traditionally wear glasses. The Authors believe that these elements contribute to the higher prevalence of pterygium in women (16.6%) compared to men (12.8%)[19].

  The Blue Mountains Eye study [9] and the Tanjong Pagar survey [14] found that men were at higher risk than women.  The same results were found by McCarty et al[7] and Moran and Hollows[4]. In HES, the statistical significance was found in pterygia between men and women, similar to other reports[11, 20, 3842].

  Education Level and Socioeconomic Status  The level of education is correlated with economic status; a lower level of education is possibly the result of a lower socioeconomic status. For the Chesapeake Bay watermen, more than 8 years of education was found to be beneficial in protecting them from pterygium (OR, 0.42; 95% CI: 0.280.62)[10]. In the Barbados Eye Study, logistic regression analyses indicated a positive association between pterygium and fewer years of education (≤12 years) (OR, 1.43; 95% CI: 1.012.03)[12]. In ZES, it was found that fewer years of education (<3 years) had a positive effect on pterygium (OR, 1.6; 95%CI: 1.12.4) as did a low socioeconomic status (OR, 1.9; 95%CI: 1.52.4) [19]. The HES found that fewer years of education (<3 years) had a positive effect on pterygium (OR, 2.1; 95%CI: 1.43.2) as did a low economic family status (OR, 1.3; 95%CI: 1.01.6)[20].

  Dry Eye Symptoms and Signs  ZES found a positive association between dry eye symptoms and pterygium (OR, 1.3; 95%CI: 1.01.7) but failed to identify dry eye as a cause or effect in this group of people[19]. This finding is consistent with a populationbased study by Lee et al[40] in Indonesia (OR, 1.8; 95%CI: 1.42.5). Mathur et al[33] and Ishioka et al[41] found an association between pterygium and a shortened tear breakup time and Schirmers test in the casecontrol studies. Khoo et al[42] found the environmental factors associated with dry eye, such as ultraviolet light quantities and a dusty polluted environment, which have been implicated in pterygium formation[42]. The HES found pterygium was independently associated with Schirmers test (≤5mm) (OR, 2.4; 95% CI:1.93.1), tear breakup time (≤10s) (OR, 2.3; 95% CI:1.82.9), and a positive association between dry eye symptoms and pterygium (OR, 1.9; 95%CI:1.52.5) [19] . This finding is consistent with a populationbased study in Indonesia (OR, 1.8; 95%CI: 1.42.5) [40].


  Recent studies [4347] have suggested that P53 and human papillomavirus may also be implicated in pterygium pathogenesis. UV radiation can cause mutations in genes such as the P 53 tumor suppressor gene, resulting in its abnormal expression in pterygial epithelium. These findings suggest that pterygium is not just a degenerative lesion, but could be a result of uncontrolled cell proliferation[4547]. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMMPs) at the advancing pterygium edge may be responsible for the inflammation, tissue remodeling, and angiogenesis that characterize pterygia, as well as the destruction of Bowmans layer and pterygium invasion into the cornea[4347]. Tseng et al[48] have also speculated that pterygium may represent an area of localized limbal stem cell deficiency. Corneal limbal autograft or amniotic transplantation was adopted for pterygium treatment[49,50].

  In conclusion, pterygium is a significant ocular problem around the world, primarily due to ocular sun exposure and the effect of the unique climate, representing an important health problem. The risk factors are related to geographic setting, sun light and ultraviolet exposure, age, gender, economic situation, dry eye syndrome and others. The key point of the prevention of pterygium should focus on its relevant risk factors. People should be strongly encouraged to wear a widebrimmed hat and/or sunglasses whenever they are outside.


  1 Coroneo MT, Di Girolamo N, Wakefield D. The pathogenesis of pterygia. Curr Opin Ophthalmol1999;10:282288

  2 Coster D. Pterygiuman ophthalmic enigma. Br J Ophthalmol1995;79:304305

  3 Solomon A, Pires RT, Tseng SC. Amniotic membrane transplantation after extensive removal of primary and recurrent pterygia. Ophthalmology2001;108:449460

  4 Moran DJ, Hollows FC. Pterygium and ultraviolet radiation: a positive correlation. Br J Ophthalmol1984;68:343346

  5 Wu KL, He MG, Xu JJ, Li SZ. The epidemiological characteristic of pterygium in middleaged and the elderly in Doumen County. J Clin

  6 Kerkenezov N. A pterygium survey of the far northcoast of New South Wales. Trans Ophthalmol Soc Aust1956;16:110119

  7 McCarty CA, Fu CL, Taylor HR. Epidemiology of pterygium in Victoria, Australia. Br J Ophthalmol2000;84:289292

  8 Singh MM, Murthy GV, Venkatraman R, Rao SP, Nayar S. A study of ocular morbidity among elderly population in a rural area of central India. Indian J Ophthalmol1997;45:6165

  9 Panchapakesan J, Hourihan F, Mitchell P. Prevalence of pterygium and pinguecula: the Blue Mountains Eye Study. Aust N Z J Ophthalmol1998;26(suppl 1):S2S5

  10 Taylor HR,West SK,Rosenthal FS, Munoz B, Newland HS, Emmett EA. Corneal changes associated with chronic UV irradiation. Arch Ophthalmol

  11 Tan CS, Lim TH, Koh WP, Liew GC, Hoh ST, Tan CC, Au Eong KG. Epidemiology of pterygium on a tropical island in the Riau Archipelago. Eye2006;20:908912

  12 Luthra R, Nemesure BB, Wu SY, Xie SH, Leske MC; Barbados Eye Studies Group. Frequency and risk factors for pterygium in the Barbados Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol2001;119:18271832

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