Abstract ·AlM :TO study the e仟ects of Sodium HyaIuronate (HA)and Bion Tears on corneaI thickness in adult myopic patients. ·METHODS:A totaI of 38 cases(76 eyes)were involvedin this study. Three consecutive corneal measurements (the thinnest point of the cornea.THN)were evaIuatedbefore and half an hour after the inst⋯ation of one drop of HA in one eye and Bion Tears in the other at random withthe Orbscan Corneal Topography System II(Orbscan, lnc,Salt Lake City.UT,USA.Version 3.00E). · RESULTS: There were no significant between—groupdifferences in baseline va riable(t=0.264).Thirty minutesafter the inst⋯ation of HA and Bion tears. THN weresignificantly increased by 5.57±7.00pm (t=4.906,P<0.01)and 7.89±7.64v m (t=6.369,P<0.01)respectively.However.there were no between—group diferences inTHN changes(t=1.381.P>0.05).1ncrease in the corneaIthickness were found in 32 eyes(84% )and 33 eyes(87% )for the HA and Bion tears g roup,respectively. ·CONCLUSION: ArtificiaI tears incIuding HA and BionTears can significantly increase the corneal thickness in a short period of time. CorneaI thickness can be used asone of the objective indices for evaluating the quaIity and therapeutic role of a rtificiaI tears. ·KEYW ORDS:artificiaI tears:corneaI thickness;OrbscanCorneal Topography System IID0I:10.3969/i.issn.1672-5l23.2009.01.003
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