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Optic disc area in Malaysian population

http://www.cnophol.com 2010-8-19 10:38:28 中华眼科在线


  Ramrattan et al[3] found a weak correlation between height and optic disc area, but they did not study the correlation of the height with other optic disc dimensions (such as vertical and horizontal diameters). In this study, a similar correlation with area, and, in addition, significant correlations between height and optic disc diameters (vertical and horizontal) were observed. An attempt was made to correlate between weight and body mass index (BMI) and the optic disc area, but there was no correlation between the two parameters.

  Many studies discussed the relationship between gender and optic disc size. Some postulated larger optic disc size in males than females[2,6,20], and some did not[12,17]. In this study, there was no significant correlation between gender and optic disc size.

  In this study, the Malay and Chinese groups were found to have the same mean optic disc area [(2.82±0.50)mm2 and (2.82±0.57)mm2 respectively]; on the other hand, Indian group had a larger mean optic disc area compared to the other two groups [(2.88±0.59)mm2]. Thus, Malay population is considered to have optic disc size similar to that of Chinese.

  Jonas et al[18] studied the predictive factors that affect the progression of primary open angle glaucoma, and found no significant correlation between the optic disc size and the presence and progression of glaucoma. However, Burk et al[21] found that subjects with large optic discs are more susceptible to glaucomatous optic disc size. In this study, the presence of glaucoma was associated with larger optic disc compared to nonglaucoma subjects.

  Oliveira et al[22] found a significant correlation between the axial length of the eye and optic disc. However, there was no significant correlation between the axial length and the optic disc area in our study.

  In conclusion, the optic disc size in Malaysian population was larger than that of Caucasians. However, in Malaysia the vertical optic disc diameter and optic disc size were slightly larger in Indians than in Malays and Chinese.


  1 Department of Statistics, Malaysia. Population and housing census. http://www.statistics.gov.my/english/frameset_census.php?file=census; 2000

  2 Varma R, Tielsch JM, Quigley HA, Hilton SC, Katz J, Spaeth GL, Sommer A. Race, age, gender, and refractive errorrelated differences in the normal optic disc. Arch Ophthalmol1994;112:10681076

  3 Ramrattan RS, Wolfs RC, Jonas JB, Hofman A, de Jong PT. Determinants of optic disc characteristics in a general population: The Rotterdam Study. Ophthalmology1999;106:15881596

  4 Chi T, Ritch R, Stickler D, Pitman B, Tsai C, Hsieh FY. Racial differences in optic nerve head parameters. Arch Ophthalmol1989;107:836839

  5 Healey PR, Mitchell P, Smith W, Wang JJ. The influence of age and intraocular pressure on the optic cup in a normal population. J Glaucoma1997;6:274278

  6 Mansour AM. Racial variation of optic disc size. Ophthalmic Res1991;23:6772

  7 Ramakrishnan R, Kader MA, Budde WM. Optic disc morphometry with optical coherence tomography: comparison with planimetry of fundus photographs and influence of parapapillary atrophy and pigmentary conus. Indian J Ophthalmol2005;53:187191

  8 Wang Y, Xu L, Zhang L, Yang H, Ma Y, Jonas JB. Optic disc size in a population based study in northern China: the Beijing Eye Study. Br J Ophthalmol2006;90:353356

  9 Quigley HA. Advances in diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. Md Med J1990;39:395398

  10 Winder S, Atta HR. Ultrasonography of the optic disc cup in discs of various sizes. Eye1996;10:732736

  11 GarwayHeath DF, Wollstein G, Hitchings RA. Aging changes of the optic nerve head in relation to open angle glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol1997;81:840845

  12 Kashiwagi K, Tamura M, Abe K, Kogure S, Tsukahara S. The influence of age, gender, refractive error, and optic disc size on the optic disc configuration in Japanese normal eyes. Acta Ophthalmol Scand2000;78:200203

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