[摘要] 本文的目的是用“平衡理论”揭示色盲现象的基本机制。并以第一色盲、第二色盲为例,阐述色盲现象产生的根本原因。文中提出的“平衡理论”是一种非正统的理论(但它是三原色理论)。虽然本理论也是三原色的,但是它并不存在“单色盲”问题。在目前,本理论是最贴近现实的一种色盲成因理论。
[关键词] 色盲;平衡理论
Causes and characteristics of color blindness
MA Hongjiu.Jilin Art School,Changchun 132021,China
[Abstract] The paper elaborated the basic reason of color blindness phenomenon occurrence, the theories used is the “equilibrium theories”. It explained the basic reason of protanopia and deuteranopia occurrence with the equilibrium theories. The equilibrium theories of color blindness phenomenon is a kind of the theories of heterodoxy. Although this theories is also theories of three primary colors, but it will not appear single color blindness problem. Currently, this theories is a kind of theories that come close reality most.
[Key words] color blindness;equilibrium theories
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