[摘要] 目的 探讨运用自制硅胶管逆行泪道插管术治疗慢性泪囊炎的手术效果。方法 对30例(31眼)慢性泪囊炎患者行逆行泪道插管术。结果 术后随访6~12个月,取得满意效果。结论 逆行泪道插管术治疗慢性泪囊炎,方法简便,效果良好,值得临床推广。
[关键词] 慢性泪囊炎;逆行泪道插管术
Treatment of chronic dacryocystitis with recessive placement of nasolacrimal stent
LUO Zhihuang.The First Peoples Hospital of Shennongjia,Hubei 442400,China
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the efficacy of recessive placement of domestic nasolacrimal stent in treatment of chronic dacryocystitis.Methods 30 cases (31 eyes) of chronic dacryocystitis had undergone recessive placement of domestic nasolacrimal stent.Results The followup period was 6~12 months after replacement and satisfactory treatment results had gained.Conclusion Recessive placement of nasolacrimal stent was a simple, effective and safe technique in treatment of chronic dacryocystitis, and worthy of widely use in clinic.
[Key words] chronic dacryocystitis; recessive placement of nasolacrimal stent
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组30例(31眼)慢性泪囊炎患者,男7例7眼,女23例24眼,年龄最大61岁,最小24岁,其中4例4眼曾行泪道插管术后复发流泪、溢脓,所有患者术前泪道冲洗时,均有脓性分泌物反流,术前检查鼻腔无明显鼻疾,点抗生素眼水,术前30min使用镇静剂和止血药物,做好术前准备。
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