眼视光学杂志 1999年第4期第1卷 论著
作者:谢立信 朱刚 张元宏 曹景
摘 要 目的: 测量不同襻长的后房型人工晶体囊袋内植入术后偏心值,确定超声乳化白内障摘除更适合囊袋内植入的人工晶体的襻长。方法:采用通过眼底照相系统摄取人工晶体植入术后1周和3个月前囊像,应用自制同心圆图表确定角膜和人工晶体光学中心,利用计算机软件测量两点之间的直线距离作为人工晶体偏心值,对62只襻长分别为12.0mm和12.5mm的后房型人工晶体眼行活体测量。结果:襻长12.0mm和12.5mm人工晶体术后1周和3个月的偏心值分别为0.25±0.15mm、0.03±0.13mm和0.20±0.07mm、0.21±0.10mm.结论:总长度为12.5mm的人工晶体囊袋内植入比12.0mm的更稳定。
Measurement of posterior chamber intraocular lens
decentration after intraocular implantation
Xie Lixin,Zhu Gang,Zhang Yuanhong,et al.Eye Institute of Shandong Medical Science Academy,Qingdao 266071
Abstract Objective: To determine the appropriate overall length of an IOL for phacoemulsification and intracapsular implantation.Methods:We studied 62 eyes that had undergone phacoemulsification and intracapsular lens implantation with lenses of different overall lengths.Pictures of the anterior capsular section were taken in situ illumination 1 week and 3 months postoperatively.The center point of the cornea and crystalline lens were located with a circle topography and the distance between them was measured online by computer.Results:The mean decentration of 12.0 and 12.5mm IOL was 0.30 (plus/minus) 0.13 and 0.12 (plus/minus) 0.10mm at 1 week and 3 months postoperatively.Conclusion:The 12.5mm IOL was more stable than the 12.0mm IOL after intracapsular implantation.
Key words Lenses, intraocular Decentration Phaco
1 材料和方法
1.1 对象
1.2 方法
1.2.1 手术方法:见既往文献报道[1,2]。
1.2.2 人工晶体偏心的测量:人工晶体偏心量定义为人工晶体光学中心与角膜中心之间的距离。在充分散大瞳孔后,使用日本TOPCON TRC-50X眼后节照相系统行前囊照相,用自制的同心圆胶片在计算机屏幕上标定人工晶体和角膜的中心,通过鼠标连接两点,通过计算机软件即可计算出两点之间的直线距离。经单位换算即可得出人工晶体的实际偏心量(mm)。
1.2.3 分组:折叠人工晶体(Hydroview)组32只眼,选用Stroz公司水凝胶人工晶体(H60M 6.0/12.5mm),襻为PMMA材料;常规人工晶体组(PMMA组)30只眼,选用Alcon公司单片PMMA人工晶体(TYPE 5C 5.5/12.0mm)。
1.2.4 统计学方法:采用t检验。
2 结果
附表 两组术后不同时间人工晶体偏心值(mm,±s)
n |
术后1周 |
术后3月 |
30 |
0.25±0.15 |
0.30±0.13 |
Hydroview组 |
32 |
0.20±0.07 |
0.21±0.10* |
[1] [2] 下一页 |