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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-5-7 11:16:02 中华眼科在线


    The pathologic profiles of oculoadnexal tumors in our study were characterized according to patients age and location of the tumor.

    The age of cases is an important factor affecting relative incidence of oculoadnexa tumors. In this study,the frequency of orbital tumors was high in adulthood group ,which is similar to Shield[1] study wheras in Japan, in Ohtsuka[5] study two peaks were reported in the age distribution. The incidence of orbital tumors was high in children aged 0 to 9 years and in older patients aged 60 to 69 years. Also Uddin[6] reported the same age distribution of patients with orbital tumors . Based on sex distribution,our results show 111(55.5%) males and 89(44.5%) females that were similar to those of other studies in CongoKinshasa 99(60%) male and 65(40%) female[7].

    In this series of 200 tumor cases, 110(55%) were benign, 90(45%) were malignant and metastatic, these results are similar to Roh[8] report, that were 159 cases (63.6%) of benign tumors and 91 cases (36.4%) of malignant tumors and comparable with result of Haloń[9] study, in which 2031 cases, 62.5%(1262) were benign and against the Uddin[6] study and Ni C[10] report that was seen. The 5 leading benign orbital tumors, cavernous hemangioma (304 cases), benign mixed tumor (109 cases), inflammatory pseudotumor of the orbit (101 cases), dermoid cyst (100 cases), and optic meningioma (65 cases).

    In this study the most common tumors in childhood were benign (90.1%) but, Lipowski[11] belived with increasing age, malignant orbital tumors become more common. VdDin & Roh[6,8] study also found the same age distribution of patients with orbital tumors.

    Between the benign tumors nevus(15.0%),dermoid cyst (5.5%) and hemangioma (5.0%) were the most frequent, this is similar to UdDin[6] study, (33%). In Roh[8]  report, in Korea, the most frequent benign tumor of the eye and its adnexa was nevus .In relation with frequency of eyelid benign tumors,Welch & Duke[12] report the most frequent tumor was papilloma.

    The frequency of malignant tumor in this study are comparable to other studies. The most common tumors in this series were BCC 51 (25.5%), SCC 12(6.0%) and melanoma 11(5.5%), sebaceous carcinoma 5(2.5%). These finding are in agreement with Ohtsuka[5] report and were different from studies, such as Haioń[9] study that were described, epidermoid carcinoma and retinoblastoma, the most common histologic forms, representing respectively 33.5% and 31.7% of all malignant tumors of the eye and adnexa and Roh[8] clarified that retinoblastoma is more common in Singaporeian patients and in Scat Y[13] study reported melanoma.


    The pathologic profiles of oculoadnexal tumors were characterized according to patients age and location of the tumor and shows us the relative frequency of benign, malignant and metastatic tumor distribution in eyelid ,orbit and globe.

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