【摘要】 目的 探讨应用泪道探通术联合典必殊眼膏注入泪道治疗慢性泪囊炎的方法和疗效。方法 对127例(129眼)慢性泪囊炎患者先用泪道冲洗法把泪囊积聚的脓性分泌物冲出后,注入典必殊眼膏于泪道中,1次/d,连续数次后,见泪囊分泌物减少时即行泪道探通术,术后冲洗泪道和注入典必殊眼膏,1次/2d,连续3~4次。结果 126例(128眼)获泪道疏通,仅1例(1眼)青年患者因鼻泪管开口异位治疗无效。经3个月~1年随访均无复发。结论 应用泪道探通术联合典必殊眼膏注入泪道治疗慢性泪囊炎方法简易、安全、疗效佳,且能保持泪道的正常生理结构,也无需昂贵的医疗设备,医疗费用少。
【关键词】 慢性泪囊炎;典必殊眼膏
Probing of lacrimal passage combining injecting of Tobra-Dex Eye Ointment for curing the chronic dacryocystitis
FANG Jun-hong,YANG Xiu-zhang,TAN Guang-mian,et al.Department of Ophthalmology,The Peoples Hospital of Baiyun District,Guangzhou 510500,China
【Abstract】 Objective To introduce the method and effect of probing of lacrimal passage combining injecting of US-produced Tobra-Dex Eye Ointment for curing the chronic dacryocystitis.Methods For 127 cases(129 eyes) of chronic dacryocystitis patients,first dash out the pyoid secretion which gathered in the lacrimal sac,and injecting some Tobra-Dex in the middle of the lacrimal passage once a day.Repeat the operation like this several times.Probe the lacrimal passage when the secretion of lacrimal sac decreases.Wash down the lacrimal passage and injecting Tobra-Dex Eye Ointment,once every 2 days,and continue the operation 3~4 times.Results In 126 cases(128 eyes) the lacrimal passage dredged.Only one case (one eye) the youthful patient didnt recover for the opening ectopia of lacrimonasal duct.Though three months to one year random visits the chronic Dacryocystitis didnt recrudesce in the cases of lacrimal passage dredging.Conclusion It is very simple and safe to use the probing of lacrimal passage combining injecting of US-produced Tobra-Dex Eye Ointment to cure the chronic dacryocystitis.It has very good curative effects and can keep the normal physiological structure of lacrimal passage.It does not need any expensive medical equipment and cost less.So it is advisable for the patients.
【Key words】 chronic dacryocystitis;Tobra-Dex Eye Ointment
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 收集我科自1998年3月~2005年12月门诊病人,主诉溢泪溢脓并经冲洗泪道证实泪囊有脓性分泌物和鼻泪管阻塞的慢性泪囊炎患者127例(129眼),男36例(36眼),女91例(93眼)。年龄22~79岁。其中先天性鼻泪管出口异位继发慢性泪囊炎1例(1眼),并发于沙眼的慢性泪囊炎126例(128眼);单鼻泪管段阻塞126例(128眼),鼻泪管阻塞合并下泪小管全粘连1例(1眼)。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 冲洗泪道并注入典必殊眼膏入泪道 用1%丁卡因滴眼表麻后冲洗泪道,选用5ml注射器连接6~8号、针头部选择直的泪道冲洗针头,冲洗时使冲洗针头进至泪囊区,使泪囊积聚的脓性分泌物充分溢出。每天冲洗1次,每次冲洗后抽出连接于冲洗针头的注射器,然后,再抽出注射器的轴心,挤约0.6ml典必殊眼膏放在轴心的末端,然后把轴心装回注射器中,再慢慢推注眼膏,注意推注约半量后边推边退针,使泪囊、泪总管、泪小管都填充有眼膏。经治疗2~4次,泪囊分泌物减少。
1.2.2 探通泪道 经冲洗泪道和注入典必殊眼膏于泪道2~4次后,见泪囊分泌物减少时即行泪道探通术,疏通鼻泪管的阻塞部,疏通后继续冲洗泪道和注入典必殊眼膏,1次/2d,可连续3~4次。必要时,泪道探通后加用1%麻黄素滴鼻数天,治疗过程至泪道疏通后2周,眼局部滴利福平或斑马眼药液。
1.3 结果 经冲洗泪道和注入典必殊眼膏治疗2次后泪囊脓性分泌物减少行泪道探通术78眼,经3次治疗后行泪道探通术43眼,经4次治疗后才行泪道探通术8眼。治疗后无溢泪溢脓、冲洗泪道通畅107眼;治疗后无溢脓溢泪,但冲洗泪道通欠通畅21眼;获泪道疏通共128眼。仅1例(1眼)青年患者因鼻泪管鼻端开口异位,经治疗后脓性分泌物减少,但泪道不通。总有效率达99.22%,经至少3个月随访,获泪道疏通的128眼疗效稳定,无复发。
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