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Ocular fungal isolates and antifungal susceptibility in Northern China

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-5-30 17:17:52 中华眼科在线

  角膜结膜及泪器病             799                                      PO0222

  Ocular fungal isolates and antifungal susceptibility in Northern China

  Sun XG ,Wang ZX , Wang ZQ,  Luo SY,  Li R

  Department of Ocular Microbiology,  Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100005, China.

  PURPOSE: To analyze the distribution characteristics of ocular fungal isolates  and susceptibility of anti-fungal agents in vitro.

  DESIGN: A retrospective case-series descriptive study.

  METHODS:2179 specimens collected from Tongren Hospital during 2001-2004 were identified at Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology. Fungal culture-positive rate, susceptibility patterns in vitro, the genus distribution of positive cultures were analyzed retrospectively. As for the fungal culture-positive samples, the gender and age of the patients, the location of ocular involvement, and the season of the onset of mycotic ocular diseases were studied.  The fungal positive isolates were subjected to antifungal susceptibility testing.

  RESULTS:Out of 2179 specimens, 681 specimens were positive-cultures. The culture-positive rate was 31.25%. Out of  681 specimens of positive cultures, 591 specimens were from the cornea, 29 from the aqueous humor, 22 from the conjunctiva,  22 from the vitreous body,1 from the lacrimal sac, and 16 from the other sites of the eye. Fusarium sp was the most common pathogen identified in 394 (57.86% of positive culrues), followed by Aspergillus sp in 116 (17.03% of positive culrues ). Out of 681 positive cultures, The sensitivity in vitro to natamycin,terbinafine, itraconazole,fluconazole were 608/681(89.28%),467/681(68.58%), 260/681(38.18%), 101/681(14.83%) respectively. 368 (93.4%)of Fusarium sp were sensitive to natamycin, 107 (92.2%)of Aspergillus sp were sensitive to itraconazole.

  CONCLUSION:Fusaruim sp was the predominant  pathogen  resulted in mycotic ocular diseases in northern China, followed by Aspergillus sp. Most of Fusaruim sp was sensitive to natamycin in vitro, and most of Aspergillus sp was sensitive to itraconazole.



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