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Ocular presentation of pituitary adenomas and analysis of the correlation with MRI featureZhang yuan WEI Shihui HAO Jilong

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-8 10:45:38 中华眼科在线

Department of ophthalmology, China-Japan Union Hospital of JiLin University, Changchun 130031,China. Department of ophthalmology, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing China100853

Objective To analysis ocular presentation of 200 patients with pituitary adenomas and investigate the relationship between MRI feature and ocular manifestation. Method Ocular presentation of 200 patients with pituitary adenomas and the relationship with MRI feature of 89 patients were analyzed retrospectively. Results among the 200 cases, 74(37%) visited oculists firstly; visual deterioration accounted for 128(64%); visual field defect 132(66%); optic disc edema 5(3%); optic atrophy 31(16%); cranial nerve palsy 14( 7%); ocular proptosis 3(1.5%). Among the 89 cases who had MRI examination, 84(94.5%)) cases were diagnosed by MRI, 67(75%) cases showed the tumor growing upward; 44(49%) cases involving one or both sides of the sella turcica; 24 cases growing downward; 4(4.2%) cases involving slope or caudex cerebri; 3(3.4%) cases growing forward. Conclusion: Many ocular manifestations can be caused by pituitary adenomas such as visual deterioration, visual field defect, so many patients visited oculists firstly. Oculists should have both neuroopthalmology and imageology knowledge, suggest necessary vision field and imageology examinations to whom have the symptom of visual deterioration or visual field defect, in order to diagnose and treat earlier.




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