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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-16 19:37:25 中华眼科在线


  Clinical experience with ECP has been expanding rapidly. Literature review was performed using a Pubmed search with the key words “endoscopic” and “cyclophotocoagulation” This returned a total of 15 published reports in the English language, between the years 1992 and 2007.

  The first description of ECP was reported by Uram [4] in 1992. The initial reports for ECP included a retrospective case series of 10 eyes with recalcitrant neovascular glaucoma treated with ECP for treatment areas of between 90180°. After a mean followup of 8.8 months, the eyes demonstrated a mean reduction of 28.3% and a significant reduction in requirement for systemic and topical antiglaucoma medications. Subsequently, Uram described a larger case series of 143 patients with intractable neovascular glaucoma, which demonstrated a dramatic IOP reduction of 67.6% from baseline, with a similar reduction in requirement for systemic and topical antiglaucoma medications. There were no reports of serious intraoperative complications.
  Following these initial descriptions of ECP, subsequent studies evaluated the safety and efficacy of ECP in the treatment of other forms of refractory glaucomas [3,5,9,1720]. The majority of studies described retrospective case series or poorly designed prospective studies. There was a predominant problem of the lack of a uniform definition for success which makes comparison between studies difficult.
Several reports retrospectively describe case series of ECP in the treatment of recalcitrant glaucomas [3,18]. Uram [4] was the first to describe the effects of phacoECP against phacoemulsification alone. Chen et al [19] reported their series of 68 patients with diverse forms of refractory glaucoma which had failed prior treatment on maximal medical therapy and previous filtration/cyclodestructive procedures. Mean IOP reduction of 34% was reported after an average followup period of 12.9 months, with a corresponding decrease in requirement for antiglaucoma medications. No significant intraoperative complications were described, with the exception of postoperative inflammation, transient choroidal detachment and a single case ofmalignant glaucoma.

  Berke [21] was the first to report a randomized series of sufficiently large cohort and length of followup comparing combined phacoECP patients gainst phacoemulsification alone. He reported a series of 626 eyes with mean followup of 30 months of patients with moderately severe glaucoma. He compared in a randomized, nonblinded fashion patients treated by five surgeons with combined phacoECP against phacoemulsification alone. Treatment endpoints included mean IOP reduction and mean reduction in antiglaucoma medications. With regards to the primary endpoints, there was no statistically significant difference for the phacoemulsification group alone, whilst the combined phacoECP group demonstrated mean reduction of IOP from 19.13±4.14 to 15.73±3.00mmHg (P<4.48×1072), and reduction in mean number of antiglaucoma medications from 1.53±0.89 to 0.65±0.95 (P<1.23×1085). Berke [21] concluded that phacoECP effectively lowered IOP as well as reduced the number of antiglaucoma medications required after 2 years, which translated into effective costsavings for the patient and the medical community. Combined phacoECP did not increase the potential for developing cystoid macular edema postoperatively, not was it associated with an increased risk of serious complications such as endophthalmitis and visual loss compared to phacoemulsification alone. Rates of cystoid macular edema were slightly lower in the combined phacoECP group (0.8% vs 1.2%) compared to the phacoemulsification group alone, although this difference was not statistically significant.
Gayton [22] published the only randomized controlled trial to date comparing combined cataractglaucoma surgery (phacotrabeculectomy) versus cataractECP. In his study, 58 eyes in 58 patients with combined cataract and progressive glaucoma requiring surgery were randomized into treatment arms of combined phacotrabeculectomy versus phacoECP. These patients were followed up for 2 years and the main outcomes measured were postoperative inflammation and intraocular pressure (IOP). Treatment failure was defined as IOP control requiring subsequent surgical intervention.

  Study results showed that IOP reduction was greater immediately postoperatively in the trabeculectomy group, but both groups were equivalent at 1 month followup. In the immediate postoperative period, less inflammation was observed in the ECP group. In general, however, the overall IOP reduction was greater in the trabeculectomy group, and less antiglaucoma medications were required at all time points during followup. Trabeculectomy patients achieved target IOP control without medications in 42% of cases, compared to 30% for ECP patients. For patients achieving IOP control with medications, this was 54% for trabeculectomy vs. 65% for the ECP group. Overall success rates for IOP control with or without medications were identical. Most significantly, there were no cases of posttreatment hypotony in either group. ECP was demonstrated to be effective in reducing IOP, was less invasive, caused less inflammation and has potentially less complications than traditional trabeculectomy filters.

  Lima et al [17]. described 34 patients in a prospective series comparing refractory pseudophakic glaucoma versus Ahmed tube implantation. Similar to previous studies, the ECP patients demonstrated significant reductions of 66.2% (average of 27.54mmHg) and mean reduction of one antiglaucoma medication after a mean followup of 21.29 months. The ECP group reported an overall higher success rate of 73.53% (IOP<21mmHg) with or without antiglaucoma medications. Most importantly, there were no serious complications associated with ECP, were simpler and less timeconsuming to perform than Ahmed tube implantation.

  ECP efficacy in treatment of pediatric glaucomas has also been demonstrated in several retrospective case series. Neely et al [5,6,23] treated 36 eyes of 29 patients with childhood glaucomas of differing etiologies. Treatment strategy varied between 180° and 270° (mean of 260°). Mean followup period of 19  months demonstrated that 34% eyes were successfully treated with a single treatment (mean reduction of 30%), and 43% achieved target IOPs with >1 treatments (average of 1.42 procedures). The most significant complications occurred in four aphakic eyes which included two eyes with retinal detachments, one eye with chronic hypotony and one experiencing severe visual loss (hand movement vision deteriorating to no perception of light). Neely concluded that ECP was moderately effective for the management of difficult pediatric glaucomas, with aphakic patients having an increased risk of significant postoperative complications. Table 1Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation: an overview and Asian perspective YearAuthorAge(略)

  Published Asian experience has been limited, with initial results trending towards general agreement with previously published results in Caucasian populations. Yip et al reported unpublished early results of 23 eyes in 22 patients treated with ECP in a single tertiary centre in Singapore between October 2004 and April 2005. Eighteen eyes had combined phacoemulsificationECP for moderate to severe glaucoma of various etiologies. They reported overall success rates of 78.3% of eyes achieving target IOP of 22mmHg or lower with or without antiglaucoma medications. There was a mean reduction in IOP (from 20.96±4.63mmHg to 17.83±6.19mmHg) which was statistically significant (P=0.003) and number of antiglaucoma medications required from 2.0±0.8 to 1.0±1.1. Both treatment endpoints demonstrated statistical significance (P=0.003). No serious postoperative sideeffects were observed, however three (13%) patients reported moderate visual loss (VA loss >10 ETDRS letters).


  Published reports and current experience with ECP has demonstrated that this novel technique of treatment delivery with direct visualization of the target tissues avoids the complications associated with blind transscleral cyclophotocoagulation by applying optimum energy to target tissue ciliary epithelium with endoscopic visualization and infrared laser wavelength application. Table 1 summarises the major studies in the English language examining the safety and efficacy of ECP in the management of moderate to severe glaucomas in eyes with good to poor visual prognoses. Across all etiologies, disease severity and agegroups, ECP has been demonstrated either in isolation or performed in combination with phacoemulsification, to effectively lower IOP in a sustained fashion and reduce the number of antiglaucoma medications required to achieve target IOP in a costeffective manner. Literature review in the previous 15 years suggests that the total reported shortterm complication rates are less than 25% for severe inflammation, cataract or hyphema formation, and longterm complication rate of reduced vision for any reason is <16% in any individual study related to ECP treatment. Overall review of reported numbers for all glaucoma types and severities treated with ECP, suggest that the longterm complication rate is less than 4.6%.

  The use of ECP has had strong support in certain sections of the ophthalmic community in which glaucoma management is a significant part of their practice. Its relatively lowrate of takeup in the majority of centres, especially in most parts of Asia include the prohibitive startup costs of ECP equipment versus traditional filtering surgery equipment. As a surgical adjunct, ECP widens the choices available to glaucoma specialists in managing refracatory glaucomas, particularly in clinical situations with limited visibility of the anterior segment or failed transscleral endocyclophotocoagulation. It has demonstrated safety and efficacy in retrospective and small randomized trials in controlling IOP for all etiologies of glaucoma, reducing dependence on antiglaucoma medications, as well as delaying progression to filtering trabeculectomy shunt procedures.

  1 WuDunn D, Cantor LB, PalancaCapistrano AM, Hoop J, Alvi NP, Finley C, Lakhani V, Burnstein A, Knotts SL. A prospective randomized trial comparing intraoperative 5fluorouracil vs mitomycin C in primary trabeculectomy. Am J Ophthalmol 2002;134(4):521528

  2 Tham CC, Lai JS, Poon AS, Lai TY, Lam DS. Results of trabeculectomy with adjunctive intraoperative mitomycin C in Chinese patients with glaucoma. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging2006;37(1):3341

  3 Lin S. Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation. Br J Ophthalmol2002;86(12):14341438

  4 Uram M. Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation in glaucoma management. Curr Opin Ophthalmol1995;6 (2):1929

  5 Carter BC, Plager DA, Neely DE, Sprunger DT, Sondhi N, Roberts GJ. Endoscopic diode laser cyclophotocoagulation in the management of aphakic and pseudophakic glaucoma in children. J AAPOS2007;11(1):3440

  6 AlHaddad CE, Freedman SF. Endoscopic laser cyclophotocoagulation in pediatric glaucoma with corneal opacities. J AAPOS2007;11(1):2328

  7 Hollander DA, Lin SC. Delayed therapeutic success with endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation in treating refractory postpenetrating keratoplasty glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol2003;87(6):792793

  8 Bloom PA, Dharmaraj S. Endoscopic and transscleral cyclophotocoagulation. Br J Ophthalmol2006;90(6):666668

  9 Barkana Y, Morad Y, Bennun J. Endoscopic photocoagulation of the ciliary body after repeated failure of transscleral diodelaser cyclophotocoagulation. Am J Ophthalmol2002;133(3):405407

  10 Pantcheva MB, Kahook MY, Schuman JS, Rubin MW, Noecker RJ. Comparison of acute structural and histopathological changes of the porcine ciliary processes after endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation and transscleral cyclophotocoagulation. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol2007;35(3):270274

  11 Pantcheva MB, Kahook MY, Schuman JS, Noecker RJ. Comparison of acute structural and histopathological changes in human autopsy eyes after endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation and transscleral cyclophotocoagulation. Br J Ophthalmol2007;91(2):248252

  12 Kuang TM, Liu CJ, Chou CK, Hsu WM. Clinical experience in the management of neovascular glaucoma. J Chin Med Assoc2004;67(3):131135

  13 Kumar A, Dada T, Singh RP, Kedar S. Diode laser transscleral cyclophotocoagulation for glaucoma following silicone oil removal. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol2001;29(4):220224

  14 Gupta V, Agarwal HC. Contact transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation treatment for refractory glaucomas in the Indian population. Indian J Ophthalmol2000;48(4):295300

  15 Di Staso S, Genitti G, Verolino M, Scupola A, Balestrazzi E.Transscleral krypton laser cyclophotocoagulation: our experience of its use on patients with neovascular glaucoma. Acta Ophthalmol Scand Suppl1997;(224):3738

  16 Uram M. Laser endoscope in the management of proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology1994;101(8):14041408

  17 Lima FE, Magacho L, Carvalho DM, Susanna R Jr, Avila MP. A prospective, comparative study between endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation and the Ahmed drainage implant in refractory glaucoma. J Glaucoma2004;13(3):233237

  18 Mora JS, Iwach AG, Gaffney MM, Wong PC, Nguyen N, Ma AS, Dickens CJ. Endoscopic diode laser cyclophotocoagulation with a limbal approach. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers1997;28(2):118123

  19 Chen J, Cohn RA, Lin SC, Cortes AE, Alvarado JA. Endoscopic photocoagulation of the ciliary body for treatment of refractory glaucomas. Am J Ophthalmol1997;124 (6):787796

  20 McFarland M S. Cataract / ECP Deserves a Closer Look. The combined glaucoma / cataract procedures leads to excellent results in this surgeon's hands. Review of Ophthalmology 13. 2007

  21 Berke SJ. ECP at time of Phacoemulsification can be beneficial. In patients with medically controlled glaucoma, combined procedure is safe and enduring. Ophthalmology1510006

  22 Gayton JL, Van Der Karr M, Sanders V. Combined cataract and glaucoma surgery: Trabeculectomy versus Endoscopic Cycloablation. J Cataract Refract Surg1999;25(9):12141219

  23 Neely DE, Plager DA. Endocyclophotocoagulation for Management of Difficult Pediatric Glaucomas. J AAPOS2001;5(4):221229


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