作者简介:李祯,女,住院医师,在读硕士。 通讯作者:柳林,男,博士研究生导师、教授、主任医师。兼任全军眼科学会副主任委员、全国眼免疫学组委员、上海眼科学会委员、视光学会委员、角膜学组副组长、眼科临床质量控制专家委员会委员、国际眼科杂志、中国实用眼科杂志等4本专业期刊编委会委员、国家自然科学基金委同行评议专家等学术职务。是上海市百名跨世纪优秀学科带头人(百人计划)培养对象。擅长白内障、玻璃体视网膜病、眼免疫病(如葡萄膜炎等)、近视眼、眼外伤等疑难病的诊治,承担国家自然科学基金、国家卫生部教学基金、上海市卫生局基金等省部级以上课题7项,获国家卫生部多媒体教学成果、军队科技进步、军队医疗成果等医教研方面省部级以上奖励5项,主编出版《现代眼屈光手术学》、《现代角膜移植学》和《眼科医师进修必读》等3部学术专著,约180万字;发表论文80余篇. [email protected]
Clinic diagnosis and treatment for pathological changes of ischemic ophthalmopathy
Zhen Li, Lin Liu
Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital (Changhai Hospital of Shanghai), the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China
Correspondence to: Lin Liu. Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital (Changhai Hospital of Shanghai), the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. [email protected]
Received:2008-03-03Accepted: 2008-05-06
Abstract Ischemia is one of main organic pathological change. Firstly, some originate from blood vessel diseases. Secondly, some can affect blood vascular system and further cause tissue ischemia. For example, blood vessel mutilation caused by surgical trauma, vascular occlusion caused by inflammation and vascular compression caused by tumor. Last but not least, other diseases, for example, glaucoma, ischemia is one factor of occurrence mechanism, which can be considered as chronic ischemic optic neuropathy in a sense. We reviewed clinical manifestation, categorization, diagnosis and treatments of ischemic ophthalmopathy.
KEYWORDS: ischemia; retinal pathological changes; clinical presentation; diagnosis; treatment
Li Z, Liu L. Clinic diagnosis and treatment for pathological changes of ischemic ophthalmopathy. Int J Ophthalmol(Guoji Yanke Zazhi)2008;8(6):1226-1229
李祯,柳林. 缺血性眼部病变的诊断及治疗.国际眼科杂志 2008;8(6):1226-1229