一个由加利福尼亚大学(University of California)、圣地亚哥医学院(San Diego School of Medicine)、美国国立眼科研究所(the National Eye Institute)、中国华西医院的研究人员组成国际研究小组,已经在黑人中识别了青光眼相关的基因变异。这项发现可能有助于未来该疾病的治疗。
这项研究结果发布在9月21日Proceedings of the National Academy of Science的在线版本上。
PNAS September 24, 2009, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0907564106
Common variants on chromosome 2 and risk of primary open-angle glaucoma in the Afro-Caribbean population of Barbados
Xiaodong Jiaoa,1, Zhenglin Yangb,c,d,1, Xian Yangb,c,e,1, Yuhong Chenb,c,f, Zongzhong Tongc, Chao Zhaob,c, Jiexi Zengb,c, Haoyu Chenc, Daniel Gibbsc, Xufang Sunb, Bei Lib, W. Scott Wakinsg, Cynthia Meyerb, Xiaolei Wangb, Daniel Kasugab, Matthew Bedellb, Erik Pearsonc, Robert N. Weinrebb, M. Cristina Leskeh, Anselm Hennisi, Andrew DeWanj, Barbara Nemesureh,2, Lynn B. Jordeg, Josephine Hohj,2, J. Fielding Hejtmancika,2 and Kang Zhangb,c,k,2
Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. Although a number of genetic loci have shown association or genetic linkage to monogenic forms of POAG, the identified genes and loci do not appear to have a major role in the common POAG phenotype. We seek to identify genetic loci that appear to be major risk factors for POAG in the Afro-Caribbean population of Barbados, West Indies. We performed linkage analyses in 146 multiplex families ascertained through the Barbados Family Study of Glaucoma (BFSG) and identified a strong linkage signal on chromosome 2p (logarithm of odds score = 6.64 at θ = 0 with marker D2S2156). We subsequently performed case-control analyses using unrelated affected individuals and unaffected controls. A set of SNPs on chromosome 2p was evaluated in two independent groups of BFSG participants, a discovery group (130 POAG cases, 65 controls) and a replication group (122 POAG cases, 65 controls), and a strong association was identified with POAG and rs12994401 in both groups (P < 3.34 E?09 and P < 1.21E?12, respectively). The associated SNPs form a common disease haplotype. In summary, we have identified a locus with a major impact on susceptibility to the common POAG phenotype in an Afro-Caribbean population in Barbados. Our approach illustrates the merit of using an isolated population enriched with common disease variants as an efficient method to identify genetic underpinning of POAG.