摘要 目的探索影 响眼球穿孔伤后化脓性眼内炎预后的因素。方法回顾性分析伤口大小、异物存留、晶状 体损伤和病原学等因素对该病预后的影响。结果伤口大小、异物存留与否或是否合并晶 状体 损伤的病例其预后无统计学差异。49%的病例发现病原体,其中感染G+球菌占61% ,G-杆菌占17%,真菌占11%,混合感染占11%。与G+球菌感染相比,G -杆菌感染之眼内炎预后较差。结论伤口大小、异物存留与否及是否合并晶状体损伤对 该病的预后无明显影响,感染病原体种类影响该病的预后。
分类号 R779.1
The factors which affect the prognosis of endophthalmitis after
penetrating eye i njuries
Zhang Mei Lin Xiaofeng
(Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center,Sun Yat-sen Universit y of Medical Sciences,Guangzhou 510060)
Abstract ObjectiveTo evaluate the relative fact ors that affect the prognosis of endopht halmitis after penetrating eye injuries. MethodsForty-nine patients with endoph thalmitis after penetrating eye injuries were analyzed to evaluate the relations hip be tween the prognosis and some factors suc h as wound size,intraocular foreign body (IOFB) retaining,lens rupture and microo rganism respectively.ResultsFrom the a spect of prognosis,no statistical differ ence was found between the cases with bi g wound and small wound,cases with IOFB and without IOFB,cases with lens rupture and without lens rupture.Pathogen could be found in 49% cases.Among them,61% ca ses were infected by G+ coccus,17% case s were infected by G- bacillus,11% case s were infected by fungus and 11% were c ombined infections.Compared with cases o f G+ coccus infection,the prognosis was very poor in the cases of G- bacillus infection.ConclusionWound size,IOFB an d lens rupture have little effect on the prognosis of this disease,while the kin d of pathogen can affect the prognosis g reatly.It would be very important to lea rn the kind of pathogen in the early sta g e and choose effective medicine accordin g to the pathogen type for the treatment of endophthalmitis after penetrating ey e injuries.
Key words penetrating eye in jury endophthalmitis prognosis
1 资料和方法
1.1 病例资料
1.2 病原学检查
1.3 治疗
1.4 转归标准
2 结果
2.1 伤情
伤口大小 小伤口:找不到伤口者6例,≤3mm、可自行闭合者30例,两者共36例(73%)。大伤口:>3mm,需手术缝合者13例(27%)。
损伤范围 无晶状体损伤(单纯损伤):30例(61%)。合并晶状体损伤:19例(39%)。
异物存留 异物伤19例(39%),其中玻璃体腔内异物16例(15例为金属,1例为玻璃),前房异物3例(2例为睫毛,1例为植物性)。
2.2 转归
2.3 并发症
2.4 伤情与疾病预后关系的分析
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