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翼状胬肉术后90Sr β射线敷贴治疗疗效观察及复发相关因素分析

http://www.cnophol.com 2010-7-23 11:05:21 中华眼科在线


  There are some safety issues to be considered when using postoperative 90Sr βirradiation. First of all, the eyeball should be fixed during the radiotherapy. Eye fixation can reduce the incidence of scleral necrosis. The second safety issue is that the cornea should be protected, when the affected area is covered with the 90Sr applicator. Third, the dosage of 90Sr βirradiation and treatment time should be precise. The last but not the least, the patient should be examined everyday carefully for 10 days in order to avoid occurrence of serious side effects. If the patient has feeling of pain or chemosis, we should be extremely cautious to carry out the treatment.

  In this study, we also analyzed the factors related to local recurrence of the pterygium, after surgery and 90Sr βirradiation. The reason for high recurrence rate of pterygium in younger patients (<40 years) could be that younger persons have more opportunity to exposure to ultraviolet radiation and stronger ability of fibroblast proliferation. The healthy Bowmans membrane seems to act as a barrier to the in growth of conjunctival tissues. In patients of recurrent pterygium with previous history of surgery, the cause for recurrence could be the destruction of normal limbal structure and the changes in the tear film. There were some reports suggesting a high recurrence in males[11]. In contrast, our data didnt show statistically difference between male and female. However, our study is a retrospective analysis, and prospective studies are required to overcome the selection bias and prove this point.


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  12 Mourits MP, Wyrdeman HK, JurgenliemkSchulz IM, Bidlot E. Favorable longterm results of primary pterygium removal by bare sclera extirpation followed by a single 90Strontium application. Eur J Ophthalmol 2008;18(3):327331

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