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Inhibition of β1integrin on apoptosis of rabbit corneal epithelial cells

http://www.cnophol.com 2010-8-19 10:32:43 中华眼科在线


  Figure 1 The expression of transgene in transfected cells detected by RTPCR and Western blot(略)

  A:RTPCR. β1integrin and GFPfused mRNA expression was detected in β1integrin transfected cells. Increased β1integrin mRNA was also found in β1integrin transfected cells compared to mock transfected cells;B:Western blot. β1integrin and GFPfused protein expression was detected in β1integrin transfected cells

  Figure 2 The adhesive ability of transfected cells to xtracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (F=29.198,P<0.001). Compared with mock transfected cells, the adhesive ability to ECM proteins but not 10g/L BSA was increased in β1integrin transfected cells. aP<0.05, vs mock cells(略)

  Although there has been reports that β1integrin is closely related to resistance to apoptosis in certain celltype cells [35]. However, the study on relationship of β1integrin and corneal epithelial cell apoptosis has been in the initial stage. Esco et al[6] found that when antilaminin antibody acting on corneal epithelial cell, and blocking intragenous and exogenous laminin, mass apoptosis occurred in primary cell. Adding laminin could obviously resist apoptosis, which indicates β1integrin as laminin receptor is possible related to the apoptosis resistence. Our results proved the possibility of overexpression of β1integrin inhibits corneal epithelial cell apoptosis. It is reported that the mechanism of β1integrin resisting apoptosis is related to the upregulation of Bcl2, activation of MAP and PI3 kinase [79]. Our data for the first time proves that β1integrin overexpression induced MAP kinase phosphorylation in corneal epithelial cells, and β1integrin mediated MAP kinase phosphorylation is possibly the vital mechanism of overexpression of β1integrin inhibiting corneal epithelial cell apoptosis. MAP kinase presents with wide catalytic acitivity. It regulates gene transcription, cell growth and apoptosis through phospharylating residue of transacting actor in the nucleus. It is key enzyme in the apoptosis pathway [10]. We will further focusing on the role of three members of MAP kinase, i.e. ERK, p38 and JNK, played in β1integrin antiapoptosis effect to investigate the molecular mechanism of β1integrin inhibiting corneal epithelial cell apoptosis.

  Our study found β1integrin overexpression in corneal epithelial cell by transfecting β1integrinGFP gene can inhibit corneal epithelial cell apoptosis in vitro during which phosphorylation of MAP kinase may play an important role. β1integrin overexpression is an indispensable factor of improving longterm survival of corneal epithelial cells and provides important theoretical basis for the prevention of corneal epithelial cell apoptosis and clinical application of corneal cell transplantation.

  Figure 3 The result of apoptosis in transfected cells(略)

  A:Hoechst 33342 staining;B:The apoptosis cells percentage of mock transfected cells and β1integrin transfected cells;C:DNA ladder. Compared with mock transfected cells, β1integrin transfected cells showed resistance to apoptosis after 610 days transfection

  Figure 4 The result of mitogenactivated protein kinase (MAP) kinase phosphorylation in transfected cells β1integrin and GFPfused gene transfection induced the phosphorylation of MAP kinase in RCE cells(略)


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