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翼状胬肉术后90Sr β射线敷贴治疗疗效观察及复发相关因素分析

http://www.cnophol.com 2010-9-3 10:39:02 中华眼科在线

  【摘要】   目的:评估翼状胬肉切除术后90Sr β射线敷贴的疗效及安全性,分析翼状胬肉复发的相关因素。方法:200605/200809翼状胬肉患者79名93眼行切除术后90Sr β射线敷贴治疗。计算翼状胬肉复发率,同时比较男性与女性,年龄<40岁与≥40岁,原发性及复发性翼状胬肉在治疗后的复发率。结果:翼状胬肉复发7眼。<40岁及既往手术或其他治疗后复发性翼状胬肉患者复发率较高。翼状胬肉术后90Sr β射线敷贴治疗后并发症少见,包括轻微的结膜炎、术后疼痛、畏光、流泪等,但未发现严重的长期并发症,特别是无巩膜坏死及放射性白内障的发生。结论:翼状胬肉术后90Sr β射线敷贴治疗安全、有效,能降低翼状胬肉的复发率,且无严重并发症出现。年龄及复发性翼状胬肉可能影响治疗结果。

  【关键词】 90Sr β射线敷贴治疗;翼状胬肉;复

  Postoperative 90Sr βirradiation for pterygium and the related factors for recurrence

  HuaLi Zhu, Wen Jiang, Ling Huang, Li Li, Xiao Zhang

  Department of Ophthalmology, No.416 Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China

  AbstractAIM: To investigate the efficacy and safety of postoperative 90Sr βirradiation for patients with pterygium and analyze the recurrencerelated factors.METHODS: Between May 2006 and September 2008, seventynine patients with 93 pterygium eyes were treated with surgery and postoperative 90Sr βirradiation. After doing bare sclera technique of pterygium excision, postoperative 90Sr βirradiation was carried out. A total dose of 2400 cGy dose was used in three fractions (800 cGy, each time, one week apart). At the cut off time (three months), the recurrence rate was calculated and compared between male and female, young (<40 years) and old (≥40 years), fresh and relapsing pterygium.

  RESULTS: Recurrence of the pterygium treated with surgery and postoperative 90Sr βirradiation was observed in 7 of 93 (7.5%) cases. Recurrencerelated factors analysis revealed that younger age (<40 years), relapse cases were risk factors for local recurrence. Complications noted were few: including moderate conjunctivitis, postoperative pain, photophobia and an increase in tear flow. However, no longterm serious side effects were observed in this study, such as scleral necrosis or radiation cataract.CONCLUSION: Bare sclera technique of pterygium excision followed by fractioned 90Sr βirradiation is a safe and effective therapy to prevent a relapse and can be performed without serious side effects. The study also showed several factors might influence the therapy efficacy, such as age and previous surgical treatment.


  KEYWORDS: 90Sr βirradiation; pterygium; recurrence


  A pterygium is a fleshy, wingshaped conjunctival encroachment onto the cornea, usually on the nasal side, unilateral or bilateral. It is thought to be an irritative phenomenon due to ultraviolet light, drying and windy environments, since it is common in persons who spend much of their time "out of doors" in sunny, dusty or sandy, windblown surroundings. If the pterygium is encroaching on the pupillary area, it should be removed surgically along with a small portion of superficial clear cornea beyond the area of encroachment. But this lesion can relapse after surgery. At present, there are various surgical methods for its removal[1], but very few clinical guidelines are available on the optimal treatment of primary or recurrent pterygium. Studies had reported that risk factors for postoperative recurrence are former surgery on the pterygium, especially in younger age, unprotected exposure to sunlight, and a positive family history [2]. As bare sclera excision technique is associated with a high recurrence rate in a range from 32% to 88%[3,4], the implementation of adjuvant postsurgical treatment measures like radiotherapy [5] or mitomycin C[6] is highly effective to reduce recurrence rates. In our study, bare sclera excision technique and postoperative 90Sr βirradiation was used in treatment of pterygium. This method was proved to be an effective and safe method for pterygium removal. Another goal of the study was to analyze recurrencerelated factors, such as gender, age and previous surgical treatment.


  Patients During the period May 2006 to September 2008, seventynine patients (41 male and 38 female) with 93 pterygium were recruited. The mean age was 47.9 years (ranged from 25 to 79 years). The median followup period was 15 months (ranged from 3 to 28 months). The analysis was restricted to patients who had received 3 fractions of 800 cGy βirradiation with a total dose of 2400 cGy and were followed up for a period of at least 3 months. Patients who hadnt finished all fractions or had received other adjuvant therapy were excluded from the analysis. The operations were carried out under local anesthesia. After instillation of local anaesthetic benoxil(oxybuprocaine hydrochloride), a 1∶1 mixture of 20g/L lidocaine hydrochloride with 7.5g/L bupivacaine hydrochloride was injected subconjunctivally in order to separate the conjunctiva from the underlying fibrovascular tissue. Then the pterygium was separated from the corneal limbus by blunt dissection with use of an iris spatula. The head and neck of the pterygium invading the cornea were removed with a surgical blade, while the body and base of the pterygium were dissected with conjunctival scissors. The wound bed was scraped to clean cornea and sclera, then bleeding vessels were cauterised. The conjunctiva edge was rolled inward and sutured with 100 monofilament nylon to the sclera leaving a bare area.

  Methods Postoperative 90Sr βirradiation was performed after surgery. A single dose of 800 cGy was used each time, one week apart, up to a total dose of 2400 cGy.The procedure was as follows: after the patient got a local anesthesia with benoxil, the lids were separated with speculum. In order to prevent an eye movement during the treatment, the patient was asked to fix a point on the wall using the unoperated eye. The affected area, including the fleshy conjunctival part, was covered with the 90Sr applicator. During the treatment, we should pay a special attention to the limbus thickness. The treatment process should be precisely timed. Postoperatively, we administered topical steroid and antibiotic drops 3 times a day from the first postoperative day up to 7 days. Sutures were removed around 7 days later. The definition of pterygium recurrence varies among studies. Most ophthalmologists define pterygium recurrence as corneal recurrence, which includes regrowth of fibrovascular pterygiumlike tissue crossing the limbus onto the cornea, fibrovascular recurrence attaining the same degree of corneal encroachment as the original lesion, or regrowth exceeding 1mm onto the cornea[1]. We use the criterion that regrowth exceeding 1mm onto the cornea to determine the recurrence of pterygium.

[1] [2] 下一页


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