【摘要】 目的 统计并分析我国大陆地区1993~2008年发表的被科学文献索引(Science Citation Index,SCI)收录的眼科学论文。方法 自MEDLINE上检索我国大陆地区1993年1月1日至2008年12月31日公开发表的被SCI收录的眼科学论文,并统计分析论文总数、年度论文发表数量、年度影响因子总和及平均影响因子、亚学科发表论文数量、学校和医院发表论文数量排名等。结果 自MEDLINE上检索到我国大陆地区近16年公开发表的被SCI收录的眼科学论文共计674篇,发表论文数量于2008年达到顶峰(190篇,28.2%),论文所刊登期刊的年度影响因子总分也于同年达峰值(409.2)。16年间,发表论文所刊登期刊的年度平均影响因子无明显改变。此外,发表的论文主要集中在视网膜亚学科方面(187篇,27.7%)。发表论文居首位的学校和医院分别为中山医科大学(207篇,30.7%)和中山医科大学眼科研究所(206篇,30.6%)。结论 通过SCI可以间接看到一个国家、学科和院校的科研、临床的水平及发展趋势。近年来,中国大陆地区眼科学者都很重视在SCI收录期刊上发表论文,科技论文数量不断增加,说明我国大陆地区眼科学的科研、临床的能力和水平不断攀升,逐步与国际眼科学的发展接轨。
【关键词】 中国;眼科学;科学引文索引;论文统计
Analysis of publications about ophthalmology cited by Science Citation Index during 1993~2008 by scholars of China’s mainland
WANG Jingbo, Sheng Yu, GUAN Juan, et al.
Department of Ophthalmology, the 309th Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Beijing China, 100091
[Abstract]Objective To analyze the characteristics of publications about ophthalmology cited by Science Citation Index (SCI) during recent 16 years by scholars of China’s mainland. Methods We conducted a comprehensive literature search of documents published in the field of ophthalmology during 1993.01.01~2008.12.31 which were put out by scholars of China’s mainland, and summarized the features of total documents, annual publications, yearly total and average scores of impact factor, publications of sub-field, sequences of universities’ and hospitals’ publications, etc. Results Totally, 674 documents eligible were enrolled in this study. In 2008, the amount of publications reached to the peak (190 pieces, 28.2%), and the sum of annual impact factor increased to the top (409.2). However, the average annual impact factor was similar during those 16 years. Additionally, these papers mainly focused on the field of retina (187 pieces, 27.7%). The university and the hospital which presented the most papers published was the Sun Yat-sen University (207 pieces, 30.7%) and Zhongshan Ophthalmic Centre of Sun Yat-sen University (206 pieces, 30.6%), respectively. Conclusion SCI can indirectly reflect the scientific and clinical levels and developing trends of a country, a discipline, and an institution. During recent 16 years, scholars of China’s mainland attached great importance to publish articles in the periodicals cited by SCI, and achieved more and more papers. It demonstrates that the scientific and clinical ability and levels of we ophthalmology are rising greatly, and keep up with the development of international ophthalmology.
[Key words]China; ophthalmology; Science Citation Index; article analysis
科学引文索引(Science Citatian Index,SCI)是目前世界上影响最大、最权威的引文索引数据库,SCI收录了各学科领域中最具权威性和影响力的学术期刊,其每年报道的收录期刊的影响因子的大小成为目前评判期刊以及其刊载论文影响力和学术水平较为客观的标准[3]。能否在SCI收录期刊上发表论文,是我国目前许多大学或研究机构在科研立项、成果申报、职称评定、学位授予等方面要求的条件之一[4]。
1 材料和方法
1.1 材料来源
1.2 统计项目
1.3 统计学方法
2 结果
2.1 科技论文产出数量与增长趋势
2.2 影响因子的变化
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