【摘要】 目的 分析研究眼外伤的类型,表现等特征,探讨其防治措施。方法 对辽宁医学院附属第一医院2001年2月至2009年2月收治的1 278 例眼外伤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,分析眼外伤类型、眼部损伤情况及出入院视力。 结果 外伤类型以眼球开放性损伤为主,679 例,占53.12% ,其次是眼挫伤,348 例,占27.23% ;受伤眼常有多种眼部损伤的临床表现,以眼睑挫裂伤/ 撕脱伤为主,494 例,占38.66%, 其次是结膜裂伤/ 球结膜下出血,410 例,占32.13% ;经治疗后,患者出院视力有所好转,视力1.0以上259例,占20.29%,0.5~0.8者222 例,占17.37%。结论 眼外伤的类型较多,临床表现多样,应积极采取防治措施,治疗效果较好。
【关键词】 眼外伤;致伤因素;预防
A Census on 1278 Admission Cases of Ocular TraumaLI Keyan, LIU Dan(Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University,Jinzhou 121001 China)Abstract: Objective To investigate the types and clinical manifestation of the patients with ocular trauma and discuss the measures to prevent the injury. Methods 1278 cases in the First Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University with eye injuries were selected, and the injury types, injury condition and eyesight were analyzed. Results The most common ocular injury problems were open ocular injury, in which there are 679 cases, and the rate was 53.12%. Secondly, it was contused wound, in which there are 494 cases, and the rate was 38.66%. There are many clinical manifestations of the injured eyes, among which contused / avulsed wound of the eyelid was the most common with 494 cases and 38.66%. The second was contused wound of the conjunctiva/ blood under the conjunctiva, and there are 410 cases, taken up 32.13%. After treatment, the eyesight of the patients was increased, and there are 259 cases having 1.0 eyesight, taken up 20.29%. There are 222 cases having 0.5~0.8 eyesight, taken up 17.37%. Conclusions There are many types of ocular trauma, and the clinical manifestations are complex. It should be taken curable and preventative method to get better effects.
Key words: ocular injury; factor; prevention
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料
选取辽宁医学院附属第一医院眼科2001年2月至2009年2月收治的1 278 例眼外伤患者为研究对象,同期眼科住院患者6 317例,眼外伤占同期眼科住院患者的20.23%。其中男性1 048 例,占82.01%,女性230 例,占17.99%, 男女之比为 4.56∶1; 受伤眼中左眼678 例(53.05%),右眼600 例(46.95%),无双眼受伤者,左右眼之比为 1.13∶1;患者中年龄最小者1 岁,最大者86 岁,平均年龄41.8 岁,眼外伤发生率以小于10 岁和10~19 岁年龄段较高;职业分布以学生居第一(28.6 %)。其次为工人(25.49%)和农民(16.59%)(具体年龄分布和职业分布情况见表1)。
1.2 调查内容
查阅病案资料(包括住院及急诊 ),分析内容包括眼外伤的类型、眼部损伤表现及治疗前后视力变化等。数据采用SPSS13.0统计软件进行分析。表1 我院1 278例眼外伤患者一般情况分布年龄段
2 结 果
2.1 眼外伤类型
按照国际疾病(ICD-10)[1]中损伤和中毒的外部原因分为8类,本院眼外伤患者中以眼球开放性损伤为主,679 例,占53.12%,其次为眼挫伤,348 例,占27.23%。眼外伤临床表现多样,并发症多而复杂。具体外伤类型分布情况见表2。
表2 我院1 278例眼外伤患者外伤类型眼外伤类型例数(n)百分比(%)开放性眼球损伤67953.12开放性眼附属器损伤443.45眼挫伤34827.23眼附属器挫伤755.89眼和附属器表面损伤322.51眼和附属器化学伤和热烧伤584.56眶壁骨折及视神经损伤262.06外眼部异物伤151.18
2.2 眼部损伤情况
受伤眼常有多种眼部损伤的临床表现,本研究的1 278 例患者中,眼睑挫裂伤/撕脱伤494 例(38.66%)、结膜裂伤/球结膜下出血410 例(32.13%)、外伤性白内障404 例(31.63%)、角膜裂伤402 例(31.48%)、巩膜裂伤366 例(28.64%),其他损伤类型有前房出血、眼内容物脱出、玻璃体积血、眼内/眶内异物等。具体情况见表3。
2.3 出、入院视力变化情况
入院时视力≥1.0者122 例,占9.54%,出院时视力≥1.0 者259 例,占20.29%, 入院时视力光感者289 例(16.85%),无光感者109(8.5%),出院时视力光感者118 例(9.25%),无光感者64 例(5.0%),说明治疗前后视力都有所好转。表4为患者视力变化具体数据。
表3 我院1 278例眼外伤患者眼部损伤情况眼部损伤 例数百分比表4 我院1 278例眼外伤患者出入院视力视力入院例数
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