导读:近期,干细胞科学家们给公众分享了制造人视网膜---眼部中对光线敏感的部分---的配方。如今,在一项新的研究中,德国科学家们发现了另一种利用小鼠或人干细胞高效地制造三维视网膜类器官(retina organoids)的方法。他们制造的“微型视网膜(mini-retina)”为研究视网膜生长、损伤和修复提供新的视角。
近期,干细胞科学家们给公众分享了制造人视网膜---眼部中对光线敏感的部分---的配方。如今,在一项新的研究中,德国科学家们发现了另一种利用小鼠或人干细胞高效地制造三维视网膜类器官(retina organoids)的方法。他们制造的“微型视网膜(mini-retina)”为研究视网膜生长、损伤和修复提供新的视角。相关研究结果于2016年3月31日在线发表在Stem Cell Reports期刊上,论文标题为“Retinal organoids from pluripotent stem cells efficiently recapitulate retinogenesis”。
论文通信作者、德国神经退行性疾病中心(DZNE)研究员Mike Karl说,“我们的目标不只是制造最接近于真实视网膜的东西,而且也可能利用这种系统的灵活性开发出更多的方法研究视网膜组织。”
Karl接下来的目标就是通过可能加入血管,让他的三维“微型视网膜”变得更加复杂, 以及利用这种类器官研究不同类型神经元(特别是来自人视网膜中)的再生和功能。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Retinal Organoids from Pluripotent Stem Cells Efficiently Recapitulate Retinogenesis
Manuela Völkner, Marlen Zschätzsch, Maria Rostovskaya, Rupert W. Overall, Volker Busskamp, Konstantinos Anastassiadis, Mike O. Karl
The plasticity of pluripotent stem cells provides new possibilities for studying development, degeneration, and regeneration. Protocols for the differentiation of retinal organoids from embryonic stem cells have been developed, which either recapitulate complete eyecup morphogenesis or maximize photoreceptor genesis. Here, we have developed a protocol for the efficient generation of large, 3D-stratified retinal organoids that does not require evagination of optic-vesicle-like structures, which so far limited the organoid yield. Analysis of gene expression in individual organoids, cell birthdating, and interorganoid variation indicate efficient, reproducible, and temporally regulated retinogenesis. Comparative analysis of a transgenic reporter for PAX6, a master regulator of retinogenesis, shows expression in similar cell types in mouse in vivo, and in mouse and human retinal organoids. Early or late Notch signaling inhibition forces cell differentiation, generating organoids enriched with cone or rod photoreceptors, respectively, demonstrating the power of our improved organoid system for future research in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. |