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http://www.cnophol.com 2007-12-20 17:33:54 中华眼科在线

【摘要】  目的 通过大鼠视神经夹伤模型,探讨杞贞胶囊对视网膜神经节细胞的保护作用。方法 50只大鼠随机分为5组,每组10只,右眼制作视神经夹伤模型。阴性对照组、阳性对照组及低、中、高剂量组分别用生理盐水、4.69%益脉康及低(16.4 g生药/100 ml)、中(32.8 g生药/100 ml)、高(65.6 g生药/100 ml)剂量的杞贞胶囊溶液灌胃给药,每日1次,持续4周。动物安死术前5 d逆行标记节细胞,用彩色颗粒分析软件计数节细胞。结果 阴性对照组、阳性对照组和低、中、高剂量组节细胞平均存活率分别为(40.88±12.50)%、(59.34±9.19)%、(52.66±12.52)%、(59.39±7.45)%和(63.00±8.95)%。阴性对照组与低剂量组之间差异具有显著性(P=0.014),阴性对照组与阳性对照组、中、高剂量组之间差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。 结论 杞贞胶囊能有效地保护视网膜神经节细胞,随着给药剂量的增加,作用逐渐增强。益脉康也具有视网膜神经节细胞保护作用。

【关键词】  视网膜神经节细胞;杞贞胶囊;中医药疗法

    Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Affiliated Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital University of  Medical Sciences. Beijing China,100730

    [Abstract]  Objective  To investigate the Chinese herb Qizhen used in capsule form as a neuroprotective agent on retinal ganglion cells in an optic nerve crush model in rats. Methods  Fifty rats were randomly and equally divided into 5 groups. The optic nerve of the right eyes was crushed by micro-clipping. Different treatment protocols were used for each of the 5 groups. The negative control group was given normal saline, the positive control group was treated with a 4.69% Yimaikang tablet, the low, middle and high dose groups were treated with 16.4 g/100 ml, 32.8 g/100 ml and 65.6 g/100 ml of Qizhen, respectively. For all of the treatments, the dosage was 4ml/kg daily. The experiment lasted for 4 weeks. Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) were retrograde labeled 5 days before sacrifice. The retinal ganglion cells were quantitatively analyzed by computer with CPAS software. Results  The average survival percentages of retinal ganglion cells in the negative control group, positive control group, low dose, middle dose and high dose treatment groups were (40.88±12.50)%,(59.34±9.19)%,(52.66±12.52)%,(59.39±7.45)% and (63.00±8.95)%, respectively. A significant difference was found between the negative control and low dose groups(P=0.014). A highly significant difference was found between the negative control group and positive control, middle dose and high dose treatment groups(P<0.01). Conclusion  A Qizhen capsule has a neuroprotective effect on retinal ganglion cells in an optic nerve crush model in the rat. Yimaikang was also found to have a neuroprotective effect in this experiment.

    [Key words]  retinal ganglion cell;  Qizhen capsule; Chinese herbs therapy



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