【摘要】 目的 评价压眼闪光眼压计(pressure phosphene onometer,PPT) 在准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)手术前后测量结果的准确性,并与非接触式眼压计(noncontact tonometer,NCT)相比较,探讨其临床应用价值。方法 对行LASIK手术的近视眼患者25例50眼分别于手术前及手术后第1个月、第3个月用两种眼压计分别进行眼压测量,并对眼压结果进行对比。结果 手术前NCT和PPT两种眼压计眼压测量眼压分别为(17.6±4.3)mmHg和(18.4±3.2)mmHg,两者差异经统计学处理无显著性(P>0.05),手术后第1个月、第3个月NCT测量结果分别为(10.4±2.8)mmHg和(11.2±3.6)mmHg,与手术前相比差异具有显著性(P<0.01);PPT眼压计测量结果分别为(18.6±3.5)mmHg和(17.8±3.7)mmHg,与手术前测量结果相比差异无显著性(P >0.05)。NCT手术前后眼压差与角膜厚度及角膜屈光度改变成正相关(r=0.480,P<0.05,r=0.380,P<0.05),而PPT手术前后眼压差与角膜厚度及屈光度无相关性(r=0.021,P=0.52,r=0.018,P=0.45)。结论 在LASIK手术前,PPT与NCT测量结果有很高的一致性,其测量结果不受角膜厚度和曲率的影响,在屈光性角膜手术中有较高的使用价值。
【关键词】 压眼闪光;眼压计;非接触式眼压计;角膜磨镶术,激光原位/方法
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the use of a pressure phosphene tonometer (PPT) in measuring intraocular pressure after laser in situ keratomileusis. Methods Fifty eyes of 25 consecutive patients who underwent LASIK surgery were enrolled in this study. Among them, 12 were male and 13 were female. The age of the patients ranged from 20 to 40 years with a mean of 24±5.2 years. Intraocular pressure was measured preoperatively and 1 and 3 months postoperatively with an noncontact tonometer (NCT),and PPT. The pressure phosphene tonometer measures IOP through the upper eyelid. Results Statistically significant differences were found between preoperative and postoperative measurements with the NCT but not with the PPT. Intraocular pressure 1 and 3 months postoperatively of NCT were (10.4±2.8)mmHg and (11.2±3.6)mmHg. Intraocular pressure 1 and 3 months postoperatively of PPT were (18.6±3.5)mmHg and (17.8±3.7)mmHg. No statistically significant difference was found between NCT and PPT measurements preoperatively [(17.6±4.3)mmHg and (18.4±3.2)mmHg]. The IOP changes has a positive correlation with the changes of corneal thickness and curvature in NCT but not PPT. Conclusion IOP measurement was not affected by the changes in corneal shape. The IOP measurements with the PPT were the same before and after LASIK.
[Key words] pressure phosphene; tonometer; noncontact tonometer; keratomileusis,laser in situ/methods
压眼闪光眼压计(pressure phosphene tonometer,PPT or ProviewTM eye pressure monitor,Bausch & Lomb)于1998年由Fresco[1]首先在临床应用,它通过闭合的眼睑给眼球施加一定压力,根据压眼闪光现象换算出眼压值。它不需用表面麻醉剂,不接触角膜,眼压测量结果不受中央角膜厚度和角膜曲率的影响,在角膜屈光手术后的应用有特殊的价值。我们利用该眼压计对行准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)手术的患者手术前后进行眼压测量,并与非接触眼压计(noncontact tonometer,NCT,CT-80 Topcon)结果进行对比,对其在临床上的应用价值进行探讨。
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