【摘要】 目的:探讨不同病因所致泪腺脱垂的治疗方法。方法:根据病因将病例分为外伤型 ,眼睑松弛型,眼睑皮肤松弛型3种类型。泪腺脱垂患者共54例(88眼),除部分外伤性泪腺脱垂可采用手法复位外,其余病例分别采用泪腺复位术或切除术,并于术前术后进行泪液分泌试验及泪膜破裂时间的测定。 结果:在3组病例中无论手术或手法复位泪腺均保持了泪液分泌功能及泪膜功能,而手术切除泪腺患者出现了眼球干涩,异物感明显等症状。 结论:对不同病因所致泪腺脱垂应采取积极的手法及手术复位治疗,不仅保证泪腺功能的完整,防止干眼症的发生,同时也使患者外观得到改善。
【关键词】 泪腺脱垂 干眼症 外观
Therapy of lacrimal glands prolapse with different causes
Xiao-Xia Ren, Xiao-Fen Zheng
Department of Ocular Plastics, Eye Hospital of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030002, Shanxi Province, China
Abstract AIM: To discuss the treatment of lacrimal glands prolapse with different causes. METHODS: Fifty-four cases (88 eyes) with lacrimal glands prolapse were divided into three groups: ocular trauma group, blephsrochalasis group and dermatochalasis group. Except lacrimal glands were relocated by hand in some traumatic cases, lacrimal glands reposition or resection were performed. Schirmer's test and BUT test were done before and after operation in all the patients. RESULTS: The results of Schirmer's test and BUT test were normal in the group of lacrimal glands repositione, but declined in the group of lacrimal glands resection in which dry eye and foreign body sensation occured. CONCLUSION: The reposition therapy, through opration or by hand. is effected to treat lacrimal glands prolapse with different causes.
· KEYWORDS: lacrimal glands prolapse; dry eye; appearance
泪腺位于眼眶外上方的泪腺窝内,被上睑提肌扩展部分隔为较大的眶部和较小的睑部泪腺,二者在后方是相连续的,正常情况下泪腺是不能触知的[1],当由于不同原因发生泪腺脱垂时,临床上常见的是睑部泪腺,在上睑外上方可触及质地较硬扁椭圆形肿物,并可以向眶内还纳,以眼球下转时尤较明显。现将我院门诊于1999/2005年收集的泪腺脱垂患者共54例(88眼) 进行回顾性研究,报告如下。
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