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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-1-24 16:32:40 中华眼科在线

【摘要】    目的:应用气囊导尿管、明胶海绵应用于泪囊鼻腔吻合术中的临床疗效。方法:将慢性泪囊疾病患者200例(200眼)按照随机的原则分成2组:A组(气囊导尿管组)100眼,B组(明胶海绵组)100眼,观察手术后连续1mo溢泪及冲洗泪道通畅情况。结果:A组中治愈99眼(99%);B组中治愈93眼(93%)。两组疗效及并发症,差异有显著意义(P <0.05)。结论:气囊导尿管治愈率较高,充填吻合道,对止血、防止粘连、抑制纤维化及减轻吻合口收缩起重要作用,是较为安全,有效,使用方便理想的留置物。

【关键词】  气囊导尿管 慢性泪囊疾病 泪囊鼻腔吻合术

  Aerocyst urethral catheter insertion compared to compressed gelatin sponges application in dacryocystorhinostomy

    Yi Shao, Chong-Gang Pei, Lu Yang, Qiong Zhou

    Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital, the Medical College Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006, Jiangxi Province, China

    Abstract AIM: To evaluate the clinical effect of two different filling material on treating chronic dacryocystitis:aerocyst urethral catheter, compressed gelatin sponges.  METHODS: Two hundred patients(200 eyes)with chronic deacryocystis disease were divided into two groups:group A(100 eyes) accepted aerocyst urethral catheter as a filling material in EXTDCR,group B(100 eyes)accepted compressed gelatin sponges. The condition of epiphora and syringing of the lacrimal passage were observed in the first month after the operation continuous1y. RESULTS: There were 99 eyes cured (99%) in group A and 93 eyes cured(93%) in group B .There was significantly statistical difference between the two groups in the surgical success rate and the operative complications (P <0.05). CONCLUSION: It is believed that the with higher success rate in Group A,fewer operative complications and a high patient satisfaction can be used to simplify and speed up traditional EXTDCR.aerocyst urethral catheter play a important function in stopping hemorhage and preventing adhesion and inhabiting fibrous tissue growth and reducing contraction of anastomosis.Aerocyst urethral catheter is a safe, effective and ideal filling material for treatment of chronic deacryocystis disease, which can be cured or improved.

    · KEYWORDS: aerocyst urethral catheter;chronic dacryocystitis;dacryocystorhinostomy


    慢性泪囊疾病是眼科常见的泪器病,而泪囊鼻腔吻合术是其治疗的首选方法。由于泪总管开口和骨孔处纤维组织增生,肉芽和瘢痕形成等常见原因,仍有部分病例术后失败.另外术后吻合口骨窗过小、吻合口中血凝块、吻合瓣过松及瓣缝线脱落均可引起吻合口的阻塞,导致手术失败。为了提高手术成功率,减少术后出血,使吻合口腔足够大,术后置放何种引流物于吻合腔内也就至关重要.我院2002/2005年分别采用气囊导尿管和明胶海绵两种材料治疗200例慢性泪囊疾病, 采用两样本t 检验对其基本资料、临床疗效等方面进行比较分析。现报告如下。

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