【摘要】 排斥反应是角膜移植失败的主要原因。临床治疗中常用的非特异性免疫抑制剂,如糖皮质激素、环孢素A等,存在着许多全身副作用。因此诱导受体建立针对供体角膜的特异性免疫耐受是治疗排斥反应的理想方法。免疫耐受的机制主要包括T细胞克隆失活(anergy)、克隆清除(delete)、细胞因子介导的抑制及免疫平衡等。现就目前人工诱导免疫耐受的方法作一综述。
【关键词】 角膜移植 免疫耐受
Advancement of corneal transplantation immune tolerance
Xiao Ma, Yi-Fei Huang
Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.30471855)
Department of Ophthalmology, General Hospital of Chinese PLA, Beijing 100853, China
AbstractCorneal transplantation is one of the most successful forms of organ transplantation in humans. However, immunologic rejection continues to be a common cause of graft failure. To obtain the long term survival of corneal grafts, especially in high risk recipients, systemic immunosuppression such as cyclosporine A and dexamethasone are usually used in clinic. But these drugs have many undesirable side effects. So, it is necessary to search novel immunosuppression to induce antigen-specific tolerance. The immune tolerance mechanism includes the induction of specific T cell anergy, delete or immunoregulation.
· KEYWORDS: corneal transplantation; immune tolerance
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