LASIK术后并发病毒性角膜炎6例 万雅群,刘建国,叶璐,李勇,许恂 作者单位:(710004) 中国陕西省西安市第四医院眼科 作者简介:万雅群,女,主治医师,研究方向:角膜病,准分子激光角膜屈光手术。 通讯作者:万雅群. [email protected] 收稿日期:2008-01-12修回日期:2008-05-27 Etiopathogenisis analysis of viral keratitis after LASIK Ya-Qun Wan, Jian-Guo Liu, Lu Ye, Yong Li, Xun Xu Department of Ophthalmology, the Forth Hospital of Xian City, Xian 710004, Shaanxi Province, China Correspondence to: Ya-Qun Wan. Department of Ophthalmology, the Forth Hospital of Xian City, Xian 710004, Shaanxi Province, China. [email protected] Received:2008-01-12Accepted:2008-05-27 Abstract AIM: To discuss the etiopathogenisis after LASIK operation. METHODS: Pathogenesis of 6 cases (7 eyes), who were viral keratitis after LASIK operation, were reviewed and compared. RESULTS: Among 6 cases (7 eyes), only 1 case (2 eyes) had viral keratitis 3 months before LASIK operation. The remaining 5 cases (5 eyes) had no significant history of the virus keratitis, but LASIK operation might injured cornea and could facilitate the viral keratitis attack. CONCLUSION: LASIK operation may induce the viral keratitis attack. KEYWORDS: LASIK operation; viral keratitis; induce Wan YQ, Liu JG, Ye L, et al. Etiopathogenisis analysis of viral keratitis after LASIK. Int J Ophthalmol(Guoji Yanke Zazhi)2008;8(6):1284-1285 摘要 目的:探讨LASIK手术后并发病毒性角膜炎的病因。 方法:对6例(7眼)LASIK手术后发生病毒性角膜炎患者的病因进行回顾和总结。 结果:6例(7眼)LASIK手术后发生病毒性角膜炎患者中1例(2眼)术前3mo曾有病毒性角膜炎发作史,治愈后手术。其余5例(5眼)术前均无明显的病毒性角膜炎发作史。但LASIK手术对角膜是一种损伤,可使潜伏状态的病毒性角膜炎发作。 结论:LASIK手术可诱导病毒性角膜炎的发作。 关键词:LASIK手术;病毒性角膜炎;诱导 万雅群,刘建国,叶璐,等. LASIK术后并发病毒性角膜炎6例.国际眼科杂志 2008;8(6):1284-1285