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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-8-18 15:24:14 中华眼科在线

  【摘要】 目的  观察海德堡视网膜断层扫描仪(HRTⅡ)、眼底照相、视野等3项检查对POAG早期诊断的敏感性及其临床应用的评估分析。 方法  随机抽取2001年1月~2002年12月2年间,具备3项检查的门诊POAG专科病案计90例180眼,按杯盘比大小分成:早期(C/D<0.6),进展期(C/D0.6~0.8),晚期(C/D>0.8)3组,对各项检查的敏感性,进行回顾性统计分析评估。 结果  (1)早期94眼中HRTⅡ检查阳性率为38.2%(36/94),眼底照相视网膜神经纤维层缺损(RNFLD)阳性率为93.6%(88/94),视野分析仪检查阳性率为51%(48/94)。(2)进展期73眼中HRTⅡ检查阳性率为73.9%(54/73),眼底照相RN-FLD阳性率为100%(73/73),视野分析仪检查阳性率为73.9%(54/73)。(3)晚期13眼中HRTⅡ检查阳性率为84.6%(11/13),眼底照相RNFLD阳性率为100%(13/13),视野分析仪检查阳性率为100%(13/13)。 结论  早期青光眼在3项检查中以眼底照相所见RNFLD阳性率最高,视野分析仪次之,HRTⅡ又次之。临床上通过3项检查互相参照,同时结合其它相关参数和危险因素进行综合分析评估,可以较好提高对早期青光眼诊断的准确性。
    Clinical evaluation and analysis of HRTⅡ,fundus photograph,visual field for early diagnosis of POAG
    Li Guoyan,Li Jiali
    Department of Ophthalmology,Wuhan Municipal First Hospital,Hubei430022.
    【Abstract】 Objective To observe the sensitivity,and to make a clinical evaluation and analysis of HRTII,fun-dus photograph,visual field for early diagnosis of POAG.Methods POAG patients were selected randomly which pos-sessed with this three items examination from the glaucoma OPD medical record from Jan.2001to Dec.2002.There were90cases with180eyes.According to the size of cup disc ratio,patients were divided into3groups:the early stage(C/D<0.6),the advanced stage(C/D0.6~0.8),and the late stage(C/D>0.8).A retrospective analysis and eval-uation of the sensitivity of these three items examination were made respectively.Results (1)In94eyes of early stage,the positive rate of HRTII was38.2%(36/94),the fundus photograph of RNFLD was93.6%(88/94),and the visual field was51%(48/94).(2)In73eyes of advanced stage,the positive rate of HRTII was73.9%(54/73),the fundus photograph of RNFLD was100%(73/73),and the visual field was73.9%(54/73).(3)In13eyes of late stage,the positive rate of HRTII was84.6%(11/13),the fundus photograph of RNFLD was100%(13/13),the visual field was100%(13/13).Conclusion In three items examination for early POAG,the positive rate of fundus photograph of RN-FLD was the first,the visual field the next,and the HRTII the third.Clinically,we have to consult the evidences of three items examination each other,and also have to consult the another relative parameters and risk factors to make compre-hensive analysis and evaluation.Thus we could fairly raise the accuracy for POAG diagnosis.
    Key words primary open angle glaucoma Heidelberg retina tomographic scanner retinal nerve fiber layer vi-sual field analyzer

    青光眼视功能损害为不可逆性,而有效治疗可以避免视功能损害的进一步发展,因此,早期诊断特别重要。目前普遍认为青光眼的确诊,需要有特征性的青光眼视野缺损及其相应的视盘或视网膜神经纤维层改变 [1] 。视网膜神经纤维层缺损(retinal nerve fibers layer defect,RNFLD)是青光眼最早出现的客观症状之一,它要比视野缺损的出现早4~6年,因此,RNFLD被认为是青光眼早期诊断的一种可靠的客观依据,而视盘形态学的研究也成为青光眼早期诊断研究的重点 [2,3] 。

    1 临床资料

    本文应用目前认为对视盘结构、视网膜神经纤维层检查较为先进的客观检查仪器:海德堡视网膜断层扫描仪Ⅱ(Heidelberg retina tomograph,HRTⅡ)和眼底彩色照相机,结合主观检查法用Humphrey视野分析仪(Humphrey field analyzer,FA),对各期POAG检查的敏感性进行分析评估,着重探讨其对早期青光眼诊断的临床意义。随机抽取2001年1月~2002年12月2年间,具备HRTⅡ、眼底照相和视野分析仪等3项检查的门诊POAG专科病案,计90例180眼,对3项检查的结果进行回顾性分析。并按杯盘比的大小,分成早期(C/D<0.6)、进展期(C/D0.6~0.8)和晚期(C/D>0.8)3组,分别进行统计学分析。

    2 结果


    表1 各期POAG3项检查阳性率 眼(略)

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