摘要 目的 分析应用口服大剂量强的松治疗 急性视神经炎(AON)的疗效。方法 回顾性分析了26例(29只眼)AON患者的临床资料。 结果 治疗后所有病人视力迅速增加,稳步提高。随访6个月以上的26例(29只眼)视力均 ≥0.8,其中93.1%视力≥1.0。大多数病人瞳孔、视乳头、视野、PVEP 显著改善或恢 复正常。结论 口服大剂量强的松是治疗AON合理而有效的方案;并对PVEP中P 100潜伏期延长的意义及对AON的诊断进行讨论。
Treatment of acute optic neuritis w ith glucocorticoid
Zhou Wanyu Liu Qin Zh ang Meifen
(Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Ch inese Academy of Medical
Sciences,Beiji ng 100730)
Abstract ObjectiveTo evaluate the effic acy of high dose prednisone on the treat ment of patients with acute optic neurit is (AON).MethodsClinical case review o f 26 patients(29 eyes) with acute optic neuritis treated with oral prednisone we re reviewed.The visual acuity of these p atients was severely impaired.6 patients were treated elsewhere with glucocortic oid.All of them were positive for relati ve afferent pupillary defect (RAPD).Visu al field defects were compatible with op tic neuritis and delay of P100 latenc y in pattern visual evoked potential (PV EP) were also found.The optic discs of 1 6 patients were abnormal.Oral prednisone was used,starting from 100~200mg daily,followed by tapering the dosage by 20~40mg every 3d until 40mg/d. ResultsThe visu al acuity of patients improved rapidly a nd steadily.4 d after treatment the visual acuity was≥0.2 in 69% of th e eyes.on d15,the visual acuity wa s≥0.6 in 65.5% of the eyes.After follow- up for 6 months,the visual acuity of 26 cases(29 eyes) was≥0.8,including 2 7eyes(93.1%)≥1.0.After follow-up fo r 1year,the visual acuity of 19 of 20 eyes(95%)was≥1.0.The pupil,optic dis c,visual field and PVEP in most patients were improved or became normal.Conclus ionThe results suggest that the regime n of high dose oral prednisone for AON is feasible and satisfactory.The role of t he delay of P100 latency in the diagn osis of AON is discussed.PVEP was a sens itive and credible sign for evaluating t he extent of demyelination.
Key words optic neuritis prednisone visu al evoked potential
急性视神经炎(acute optic neuritis,AON)是视神经急性炎性疾病,属于脱髓鞘疾病的范畴[1] 。在西方国家视神经炎常是多发硬化的首发表现[2,3]。我国多发硬化患者中, 8.2%合并视神经炎[4]。AON发病急,视力严重减退,甚至可无光感。常伴有眼球疼痛,转动时加重。目前认为糖皮质激素是治疗AON的首选药物[5]。本文回顾性分析了26例(29只眼)AON采用口服大剂量强的松方案治疗的临床疗效。
1 资料和方法
1.1 临床资料
1.1.1 入选标准:(1)急性视力严重减退,未经治疗于15日内就诊或已在外院接受中等剂量糖皮质激素治疗,来就诊时为16~30天;(2)相对性瞳孔传入障碍(relative afferent pupillary defect,RAPD)阳性;(3)符合视神经炎的视野缺损或图形视觉诱发电位(pattern visual evoked potential,PVEP)P100潜伏期延长或引不出波形;(4)视乳头正常或轻度水肿、出血,但无其他视网膜病变。所有患者既往无AON病史。
1.1.2 一般情况:符合AON入选标准的患者26例29只眼,男性11例,女性15例;年龄12~72岁,平均年龄(39.6±15.7)岁;单眼发病23例,双眼受累3例。20例患者于15日内就诊。6例患者接受中等剂量糖皮质激素治疗,视力无明显改善或继续下降,于16~30天内就诊。随诊:1例14年,1例7年,18例随诊1~5年,6例随诊半年~1年。治疗前对所有患者进行胸部X线检查及血尿常规检查,并寻问患者有无消化道溃疡病史及精神病史,以除外应用糖皮质激素禁忌证。
1.1.3 眼部情况:初诊时患者视力、视乳头、视野、PVEP情况见表1。RAPD均为阳性(其中1例患者有1只眼为义眼,未查)。
表1 口服强的松治疗急性视神经炎6个月时的效果(n=29)
Tab.1 Result of oral prednisone tre atment for acute optic
neuritis at the sixth month (n=29)
Be fore treatment
No.of eyes(%) |
After treatment
No.of eyes(%) |
χ 2 |
P value |
Visual acuity |
57 |
<0.01 |
≤0.1 |
24(82.8) |
0 |
0.2-0.3 |
3(10.3) |
0 |
0.4-0.6 |
2(6.9) |
0 |
0.7-0.9 |
0 |
2(7.1) |
≥1.0 |
0 |
27(93.1) |
Optic disk |
16.76 |
<0.01 |
normal |
11( 3 7.9) |
20(69.0) |
edema,hemorrhage |
1 3(44.8) |
0 |
pallor |
5(17.3) |
9(31.0) |
Visual field |
25.2 |
<0.01 |
normal |
0 |
11/ 24(45.8) |
central scotoma |
11/28(39 .3) |
0 |
other defects |
17/28(60.7) |
13/24(54.2) |
non-examined |
1 |
5 |
P100(ms) |
11.03 |
<0.05 |
<107 |
1/25(4.0) |
9/25(36.0) |
>107 |
17/25(6 8.0) |
15/25(60.0) |
extinguished |
7/25 (28.0) |
1/25(4.0) |
non-examined |
4 |
4 |
1.2 治疗方案:清晨顿服强的松(6∶30~7∶00),首次剂量:60岁以下者200mg或160mg(2例12岁患者首次剂量分别为70mg及60mg),60岁以上者100~160mg,每3日减少20~40mg,减至60mg时,改为每3日减少10mg,减至40mg改为隔日单次口服70mg,每3次减10mg至40mg,改为每3次减5mg,至20mg时改为每3次减2.5mg至停药。疗程约3个月(85~94天)。服强的松出现欣快感或严重失眠者,服用硝基安定每天5~10mg。
1.3 统计学处理:采用校正χ2检验。
[1] [2] 下一页 |