Female patients had a higher 5 year survival rate than male patients but the difference was not statistically significant, there appeared to be an association between female genders with complete response to chemotherapy. The Survival rate after treatment of RMS at all sites has improved from 25% in 1970 to 70% in 1991.
Orbital RMS has been recognized to display better life prognosis than RMS at other site, the tumors display strong tendency for local invasion, local recurrence and hematogenous and lymphatic metastasis.
Ferrarie evaluated the treatment outcomes for adult patients with RMS and confirm the relatively poor long term out comes.With radio imaging studies large tumors appeared as less well defined soft tissue masses with bone destruction or invasion of surrounding structures. It is still possible however to detect bonny invasion by virtue of destruction of bone marrow signal on MRI especially with administration of contrast.
After treatment is instituted cross sectional imaging can be used to objectively monitor tumors regression or residual or recurrent disease. RMS may occur as metastasis to orbit from distant site and even after years of treatment which is extremely rare[12] . 5 year survival rate increased from 55% IRS 1 to 71% IRS 2 and IRS 4.
Truncal and extremity tumors are more common in adults, and the relative proportion of pleomorphic tumors increases with age. The latest series from Memorial SloanKettering, the relative proportion of extremity and pleomorphic tumors increased with age, and survival decreased with increasing age in both univariate and multivariate analyses.
RMS is primarily a disease of children and young adults but can occur rarely in elderly people so high index of suspicion is required to establish early and correct. Diagnosis and initiation of appropriate treatment with chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy before metastasis make a great difference in saving lives of these patients.
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