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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-4-29 13:45:20 中华眼科在线

  At 12 weeks postoperative period, only 13 eyes (out of 51), 25.5% achieved presenting VA of 6/6 6/18. With refraction this improved to 38 eyes (74.5%). This is lower than 96% obtained from a centre in China[9] after intensive training of the surgeons on sutureless large incision manual cataract extraction. Facilities for biometry are not available in our centre. There is a need to make biometry services widely available and to have more centres offering training in manual small incision cataract surgery in Africa. Many patients may not eventually wear prescribed glasses due to cost constraint or other reasons. Procedures that offer maximum presenting visual acuity are desirable, as good outcome increases uptake of services.

  Table 1Post operative visual acuity at 13 weeksn(略)

  Table 2Postoperative visual acuity at 411 weeksn(略)

  Table 3Postoperative visual acuity at 12 weeksn(略)

  Acknowledgements:The author wishes to thank Dr Chukwurah G immensely for keeping the cataract surgery records.

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  7 Ezegwui IR, Ajewole J. Monitoring cataract surgical outcome in a Nigerian mission hospital. Int Ophthalmol2009;29(1):79

  8 Courtright P, Ndegwa L, Msosa J, Banzil J. Use of our existing eye care human resources. Assessment of the productivity of cataract surgeons trained in eastern Africa. Arch Ophthalmol2007;125(5):684 687

  9 Lam DS, Congdon NG, Rao SK, Fan H, Liu Y, Zhang L, Lin X, Choi K, Zheng Z, Huang W, Zhou Z, Pang CP. Visual outcomes and astigmatism after sutureless, manual cataract extraction in rural China: study of cataract outcomes and uptake of services (SCOUTS) in the caring is hip project, report 1. Arch Ophthalmol2007;125(11):15391544

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