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Pharmacokinetics of Chlorhexidine gluconate...

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-5-14 11:14:15 中华眼科在线

  眼科药理             590                                      AB1217

  Pharmacokinetics of Chlorhexidine gluconate 0.02% in the rabbit cornea

  Sun Xuguang, Liang Yanchuang, Zhang Feng, Luo Shiyun, Yin Xiaotang

  Department Ocular Microbiology, Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China,100005

  Purpose: To determine the pharmacokinetic parameters of chlorhexidine gluconate in the rabbit cornea.

  Methods: Each eye of 16 New Zealand white rabbits were topically instilled with 50mL of chlorhexidine gluconate 0.02% eye drop twice with a 5-minute interval. Four corneas of two rabbits were harvested at each time point. The concentration of chlorhexidine gluconate in the cornea was determined with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and 3P87 software to simulate the pharmacokinetic parameters.

  Results: The concentration of chlorhexidine gluconate in the cornea displayed open two-compartment model. Tmax was 13.75 minutes, Cmax 0.713 ug×g-1 , clearance rate 1.64 ug× g-1× min-1 , and t1/2a, t1/2b, t1/2ka was 2.65 minutes, 48.72 minutes, 2.67 minutes, respectively. Conclusion: The concentration of chlorhexidine gluconate in the rabbit cornea could be determined by means of HPLC. The maximum concentration of chlorhexidine gluconate in the corneal tissue was much higher than the trophozoite minimum amoebicidal concentration (TMAC) in vitro.



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