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Clinical analysis of vertebral- basilar insufficiency caused by related ophthalmologic signs

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-8 10:39:28 中华眼科在线

ZHAO Na  WEI Shi-hui

Department of Ophthalmology of PLA General Hospital,Beijing China100853

Objective Analysis of related eye clinical characteristics, pathogenesis and auxiliary examination caused by vertebro-basilar insufficiency in the diagnosis and clinical significance. Methods Retrospective analysis of 469 cases vertebro - basilar insufficiency in patients with the clinical data and the associated symptoms of the eye. Results 96 cases were with the corresponding eyesymptoms (20.4%). These 83 cases of vision loss, fundus arteriosclerosis 72 cases,56 cases of diplopia, 39 cases nystagmus, Mongolia 30 cases, the eye movement disorder16cases,or ipsilateral heminopia quadrant Blind 12 casesanddepending on deformation 10cases. About 80% of vertebral - basilar insufficiency in patients with symptoms of the eye: vision loss , fundus arteriosclerosis, diplopia and nystagmus.Ocular symptoms associated with the 96 patients, 75 patients with color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) showed unilateral vertebral artery varies speaking 66 cases (88%) which decreased blood flow velocity of 26 cases, 17 cases of vascular plaque stenosis narrow thinning in 20 cases, 3cases of complete occlusion 1 cases; different bilateral vertebral artery speaking 9 cases (12%) of which velocity dropped 4cases, two cases of vascular plaque stenosis narrow thinning 3cases. 45 cases by the digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in patients with checks left vertebral artery varies speaking 24 cases, 18 cases of stenosis, occlusion five cases, abnormal bending 1. Right vertebral artery varies speaking 16 cases, 13 cases of stenosis, occlusion three cases. Both bilateral vertebral artery stenosis 2cases; Vertebral artery stenosis in 3 patients. Conclusions Vertebral - basilar insufficiency may cause eye-related symptoms, including vision loss , fundus arteriosclerosis, diplopia and nystagmus symptoms are more likely for patients with vertebral - patients with basilar artery insufficiency performance of the eye, ophthalmologist need to draw attention to the early associated auxiliary inspections help to reduce eye in the rate of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.




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