LI Xiao-yan WEI Shi-hui
Department of Ophthalmology,PLA General Hospital,Beijing China100853
Objective:To decrease the missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis of vertebral-basilar insufficiency by analyzing its ophthalmologic signs. Methods: The clinical materials of vertebral-basilar insufficiency with ophthalmologic signs were analyzed.The ophthalmologic examinations include:vision,visual field,movement of eyeball,diplopia test,slit-lamp,ocular fundus,intraocular tesion etc. Results:The ophthalmologic signs of vertebral-basilar insufficiency include:46 casess(88.46%) of visual deterioration,8 cases(15.38%) of transient amaurosis,19 cases(36.54%) of congruous homonymous hemianopia or quadrantanopsia,9 cases(17.31%) of diplopia,5 cases(9.62%) of disabled movement of eyeball,12 cases(23.77%) of nystagmus. Conclusions:The patients with vertebral-basilar insufficiency can see doctor in the department of ophthalmology because of their obvious or initial ophthalmologic signs,familiarizing and mastering its ophthalmologic signs may contribute to its early diagnosis and treatment.