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http://www.cnophol.com 2010-5-31 11:05:18 中华眼科在线


  According to our data, values for the flap thickness varied with the suction duration. There was a statistically significant difference among 3 groups (P=0.001). The flaps of group 1 (10 seconds) were statistically thinner than those of group 3 (30 seconds, P<0.01). Therefore, in order to minimize the risk of cutting an overly thick flap and maintain a residual stromal bed thicker, maintaining optimal suction duration is necessary, which depends on practiced, perfect and smooth operation.

  A thinner corneal flap is of benefit in the prevention of keratectasia. Control of flap thickness can be useful in the other clinical aspects. Very flat corneas with average keratometric power of less than 41 diopters (D) are at a greater risk for cutting a free flap[16]. A smaller area of the cornea is usually exposed to the microkeratome blade in these cases, resulting in a free cap[17]. Sufficient suction duration that thickens the flap would increase the hinge area and decrease the probability of creating a free flap.

  In conclusion, values for the flap thickness and flap diameter varied with the suction duration. We suggest corneal flap thickness should be routinely measured intraoperatively to ensure that enough tissue remain after surgery.


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