阿托品 atropine 安定 diazepam
爱滋病 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 安全守则 safety regulations
掰刀片器 razor blade breakers 白斑 leucoma
白内障 cataract 白内障囊内摘出术 (ICCE) intracapsular cataract extraction
白内障囊外摘出术 ECCE 白内障手术后创口裂开 wound leak after cataract surgery
白内障手术术前用药 premedication for cataract surgery 白内障术后护理 post-operative care for cataract surgery
斑翳 macula (corneal scarring) 包眼 patching of eye
包装箱 packing crates 暴露性角膜炎 exposure keratitis
杯-盘比 cup/disc ratio 鼻泪管阻塞 naso-lacrimal duct obstruction
毕妥斑 Bitot’s spots 闭角型青光眼 angle closure glaucoma
闭角型青光眼 angle closure glaucoma 变性 degeneration
表面解剖 surface anatomy 病毒感染 viral infections
病史采集 history-taking 玻璃体 vitreous body
玻璃体积血 vitreous haemorrhage 玻璃体切除术 vitrectomy
苍蝇flies 草药herbal remedies
潮湿气候wet climates 虫叮咬insect stings
出血haemorrhage 初级保健primary health care
初级卫生保健primary health care 穿刺paracentesis
传统疗法traditional remedies 春季结膜炎鹅卵石样改变cobblestones in vernal conjunctivitis
春季卡他性结膜炎vernal conjunctivitis 刺囊吸引术discission and aspiration
醋氮酰胺acetazolamide 醋氮酰胺Diamox
带状光检眼镜streak retinoscopy
带状疱疹herpes zoster 单纯疱疹Herbert’ pits
蛋白质-能量营养不良PEM, protein-energy malnutrition 倒睫trichiasis
低视力眼镜low vision spectacles 滴剂drops
地理分布geographical distribution 地塞米松dexmethasone
第一眼位primary position 点状角膜炎punctate keratitis
碘iodine 碘苷idoxuridine
电池batteries 电弧焊烧伤welder’s arc burns
垫睑板,用汤匙做成lid plates, made from spoons 调查surveys
调节accommodation 丁烷气炉butane gas stoves
对光反射light reflex 钝挫伤contusion injuries
发病率incidence 翻转上睑everting of eyes
翻转上睑everting upper eyelid 防盲blindness prevention
房角后退angle recession 房水aqueous fluid
放射学radiology 非化脓性non-purulent
非计划性的白内障囊外摘出术unplanned ECCE 非洲Africa
肺炎双球菌pneumococcus spp. 分类法classifications
分类法classifications 缝线sutures
服务俱乐部service clubs 复视diplopia
副交感神经拟似剂parasympathomimetics 腹泻diarrhoea
干眼dry eye 干眼症xerophthalmia
干眼症xerophthalmia 干眼症的饮食治疗diet for xerophthalmia
甘露醇mannitol 甘油glycerol
杆体rods 感光perception of light
感光器photoreceptors 钢,碳和不锈钢steel, carbon vs stainless
高渗药物 hyperosmotic drugs 高眼压hypertension, ocular
高眼压ocular hypertension 革兰氏染色Gram’s stain
工业气体industrial gases 公共卫生public health
公卫护士public health nursr 巩膜sclera
巩膜炎scleritis 骨性眶bony orbit
光感light perception 光投射projection of light
光投照light projection 光学optics
光学车间optical workshops 国家眼科项目national eye programmes
过敏反应anaphylaxis 过敏性结膜炎allergic conjunctivitis
过熟期白内障hypermature cataract 过熟期白内障Morgagnian cataract
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