缪勒肌(平滑肌)Müller’s muscles
木醇wood alcohol 内翻entropion
内斜视esotropia 内眼检查internal ocular examination
奈瑟氏淋球菌Neisseria gonorrheae 囊膜capsule
囊镊capsule forceps 尿素urea
尿用于传统疗法urine as traditional remedy 牛眼buphthalmos,ox eye
盘尾丝虫性脉络膜炎choroiditis in onchocerciasis 泡沫床垫foam mattresses
培训初保人员training of primary health care workers 膨胀期白内障intumescent cataract
皮肤结节skin nodules 皮质类固醇corticosteroids, steroids
皮质类固醇steroids 破伤风预防tetanus prevention
葡萄膜uveal tract 葡萄膜炎uveitis
葡萄球菌Staphylococcus spp. 葡萄肿staphyloma
气候climates 汽车motor vehicles
汽车头灯automobiles 汽炉(消毒器械用)gas stoves, for sterilizing instruments
器械instruments 器械消毒sterilization of instruments
前弹力膜Bowman’s membrane 前段anterior segment
前房anterior chamber 前房穿刺paracentesis of anterior chamber
前房盥洗irrigation of anterior chamber 前房积脓hypopyon
前房积血hyphema 前房角镜检查gonioscopy
前粘连anterior synechiae 浅前房shallow
青光眼glaucoma 青霉素penicillin
氢氧化钙calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钾potassium hydroxide
庆大霉素gentamicin 穹隆部 fornices
球后神经阻滞retrobulbar nerve block 驱逐性出血expulsive haemorrhage
驱逐性脉络膜出血expulsive choroidal haemorrhage 屈光refraction
屈光不正ametrapia,refractice errors 屈光度(D)dioptre
全科医生clinical officers 全葡萄膜炎panuveitis
热带气候tropical climates 日光sunlight
热烧灼thermal cautery 人工晶体植入术intraocular lens implants
人工泪液artificial tears 人工晶体artificial intraocular lenses
乳头papillae 弱视amblyopia,lazy eye
噻吗心安timolol maleate (Timoptic) 三级医院tertiary hospitals
沙眼瘢痕scars in trachoma 沙眼的社区控制计划community control programmers for trachoma
沙眼分期法grading system for trachoma 沙眼滤泡follicles in trachoma
沙眼衣原体Chlamydia trachomatis
上睑提肌levator palpebrae superioris muscles 上斜视hypertropia
烧伤burns 烧灼术cautery
社区communities, local 肾上腺素adrenaline,epinephrine
狮子会Lions’ Clubs 石油进眼petrol in eyes
世界卫生组织World Health Organization 视杯cup, optic
视觉残疾定义(WHO)visual disability, definition 视觉神经通道neural pathways for vision
视觉通路pathways for vision
视觉障碍,分类(WHO)visual impairment, classification
视力visual acuity 视乳头水肿papilledema
视神经optic nerve
视神经萎缩optic atrophy
视网膜retina 视网膜变性degeneration of retina
视网膜脱离detachment of retina 视像不等aniseikonia
视野visual fields 视野检查perimetry
试镜匣trial lens sets 适宜技术appropriate technology
嗜血菌属Haemophilus spp 手法挤压manual expression
手术surgery 手术标志landmarks, anatomical
手术放大镜operating loupes
手术光源light source for surgery
手术营地camps surgical 手术用头架headrests, surgical
输淋氏管Schlemm’s canal 术前护理pre-operative care
树枝状角膜炎dendritic keratitis 数指finger counting
双眼视觉binocular vision 水,滤过water, filtering
司机drivers 撕裂伤lacerations
四环素tetracycline 粟粒性phlyctenule
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