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http://www.cnophol.com 2011-1-19 9:41:40 中华眼科在线


  AMD is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly worldwide, affecting 3050 million individuals. It is particularly prevalent in the United States and European countries.

  Figure 4Effect of flavone on H2O2induced injury in ARPE19 cells ARPE19 cells were incubated with flavone and H2O2 for 24 hours. n=6 in each group; aP<0.05 and bP<0.01 vs model group.

  Figure 5Effect of flavone on NaN3induced injury in ARPE19 cells ARPE19 cells were incubated with flavone and NaN3 for 72 hours. n=6 in each group; aP<0.05 and bP<0.01 vs model group.

  Figure 6Effect of flavone on tBHPinduced injury in ARPE19 cells ARPE19 cells were incubated with flavone and tBHP for 12 hours. n=6 in each group; aP<0.05 and bP<0.01 vs model group.

  It is generally accepted that the impairment of RPE cell function is an early and crucial event in the molecular pathways leading to clinically relevant AMD[12,13]. RPE serves a variety of metabolic and supportive functions that are of vital importance for retinal photoreceptors, including maintenance of the bloodretinal barrier, participation in the visual cycle, and phagocytic uptake and degradation of constantly shed apical photoreceptor outer segments[14]. The direct toxic effect of NaIO3 on RPE cells with secondary effects on photoreceptors and the choriocapillaries in vivo is well known[15]. The results of this research showed that flavone reversed NaIO3induced injury in RPE by 141% at the end of 4 weeks. This result might indicate that flavone had protective effect against NaIO3 induced RPE degeneration in rat eyes and might slow down the development of AMD.

  RPE cells are particularly susceptible to oxidative stress because of high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the outer segments[16] and exposure to visible light[1720]. Different types of oxidative stress results in different patterns of oxidative damage to proteins in RPE cells and different patterns of loss of viability[21]. In addition to this indirect evidence in support of oxidative stress as a pathogenic factor in AMD, clinical data provide direct validation of the antioxidant approach to AMD treatment. It is a general consensus that oxidative damage plays an important role in pathogenesis of dry AMD[22]. Clearly, antioxidants are needed for dry AMD treatment. In this study, H2O2, NaN3 and tBHP was used as oxidants to induce injuries in RPE cells. The results showed flavone reversed the various oxidants induced injuries in RPE cells. In other words, flavone could prevent the oxidative injury of RPE in AMD.

  In conclusion, flavone acts as an antioxidant to protect the RPE from damage by oxidative stress. Thus, flavone might be a promising candidate for the treatment of AMD.


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