根据英国哈德斯菲尔德和卡尔德达尔NHS信托Fayyaz Musa医学博士公布的一项大型前瞻性研究,对于由角膜内皮病症的患者,后弹力层内皮角膜移植术(DMEK)是一种有前景的操作。DMEK是一种新型分层角膜移植片,仅取代最内层的角膜层,而非传统的全层移植片(即全层角膜移植[PK])那样取代角膜全层。“DMEK可改善光学性能,快速恢复视力且通常为完全恢复,快速稳定屈光,并且屈光改变程度小。” Musa医师说。
Visual Rehabilitation and Complications of the First 300 Consecutive Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Cases
Purpose: To evaluate the visual rehabilitation and postoperative complications after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK).
Methods: A prospective clinical study of 300 consecutive eyes with corneal endothelial failure.
Results: A total of 79 eyes were excluded from BCVA analysis because of low visual potential, incomplete data, or nonfunctional or detached grafts. In the remaining 221 eyes, 87% reached ≥0.5 at 1 month and 96% at 3 months. BCVA was ≥0.8 in 71% at 3 months and in 79% at 6 months. Graft detachment occurred in 10% of eyes, ocular hypertension occurred in 4%, and secondary cataract developed in 5% of phakic eyes.
Conclusion: DMEK appears to be a safe and effective treatment, offering rapid and near complete visual rehabilitation in the management of corneal endothelial disorders. |