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http://www.cnophol.com 2007-11-16 8:57:09 中华眼科在线

热带气候                         tropical climates
日光                             sunlight
热烧灼                           thermal cautery
人工晶体植入术                   intraocular lens implants
人工泪液                         artificial tears
人工晶体                         artificial intraocular lenses
乳头                             papillae
弱视                             amblyopia,lazy eye

噻吗心安                         timolol maleate (Timoptic)
三级医院                         tertiary hospitals
散光                             astigmatism
沙眼                             trachoma
沙眼瘢痕                         scars in trachoma
沙眼分期法                       grading system for trachoma
 沙眼滤泡                        follicles in trachoma
沙眼衣原体                       Chlamydia trachomatis
筛查                             screening
上睑提肌                         levator palpebrae superioris muscles
上斜视                           hypertropia
烧伤                             burns
烧灼术                           cautery
肾上腺素                         adrenaline,epinephrine
狮子会                           Lions’ Clubs
视杯                             cup, optic
视觉残疾定义                    (WHO)visual disability, definition
视觉神经通道                     neural pathways for vision
视觉通路                         pathways for vision
视觉障碍,分类                  (WHO)visual impairment, classification
视力                             visual acuity
视乳头水肿                       papilledema
视神经                           optic nerve
视神经萎缩                       optic atrophy
视网膜                           retina
视网膜变性                       degeneration of retina
视网膜脱离                       detachment of retina
视像不等                         aniseikonia
视野                             visual fields
视野检查                         perimetry
试镜匣                           trial lens sets
嗜血菌属                         Haemophilus spp
手法挤压                         manual expression
手术                             surgery
手术标志                         landmarks, anatomical
手术放大镜                       operating loupes
手术光源                         light source for surgery
手术营地                         camps surgical
手术用头架                       headrests, surgical
输淋氏管                         Schlemm’s canal
术前护理                         pre-operative care
树枝状角膜炎                     dendritic keratitis
数指                             finger counting
双眼视觉                         binocular vision
水,滤过                         water, filtering
撕裂伤                           lacerations
四环素                           tetracycline
粟粒性                           phlyctenule

太阳灯性角膜炎                   sunlamp keratitis
碳酸酐酶抑制剂                   carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
糖尿病                           diabetes mellitus
疼痛                             pain
瞳孔                             pupils
瞳孔扩大,外伤性                 mydriasis, traumatic
瞳孔扩大                         dilatation of pupils
瞳孔阻滞                         pupillary block
偷针眼(麦粒肿)                 stys
透明质酸酶                       hyaluronidase
托吡卡胺                         tropicamide
脱出                             prolapse
脱离                             detachment
脱色素                           depigmentation
脱位                             dislocation
脱位白内障                       luxated cataract

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