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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-7-21 14:15:52 中华眼科在线

  【摘要】 目的  探讨非外伤性巨大视网膜裂孔对侧眼视网膜裂孔及视网膜脱离的发病因素,预防对侧眼发生巨大视网膜裂孔,提高对于对侧眼患病的认识。 方法  随访36例非外伤性巨大视网膜裂孔对侧眼,散瞳后用双目间接眼底镜及三面镜详查其眼底,观察并记录视网膜裂孔及周边视网膜变性,对于对侧眼不伴有视网膜脱离的视网膜裂孔行光凝或透过结膜的巩膜外冷凝术,对伴有视网膜脱离的视网膜裂孔行巩膜扣带术,对巨大视网膜裂孔行玻璃体视网膜手术。 结果  随访13~88个月(平均36.5个月),对侧眼视网膜裂孔及视网膜脱离发生率为36.1%(13眼),其中4眼(11.1%)发生了巨大视网膜裂孔。对侧眼平均屈光度为-7.00D(+1.50~-18.00D),其中高度近视眼占57.6%(19眼)。周边视网膜变性发生率为72.2%(26眼),其中12眼(33.3%)有格子样变性,9眼(25.0%)有不压变白。 结论  非外伤性巨大视网膜裂孔对侧眼是视网膜裂孔及视网膜脱离的高发眼。高度近视、格子样变性、不压变白是发生视网膜裂孔及视网膜脱离的高危因素。
  Investigation of fellow eyes of nontraumatic giant retinal tears
  Jia Zhiyang,Zhao Peiquan
  Department of Ophthalmology,Fuming Hospital of Xingji,Hebei052360
    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the high-risk factors of retinal tears and retinal detachment of fellow eye of nontraumatic giant retinal tears,prevent giant retinal tears of fellow eye,deepen people's understanding to fellow eye.Methods 36cases of fellow eyes of nontraumatic giant retinal tears were followed-up.The fundus were examined with binocular indirect ophthalmoscope and three-mirror contact lens after mydriasis.The retinal tears and peripheral retinal degenerations were recorded.The retinal tears without detachment were treated with photocoagulation or transconjunctival cryotherapy.The retinal tears with detachment were treated with a scleral buckling and encircling element.The giant reti-nal tears were treated with a vitreoretinal surgery.Results Follow-up was13~88months(means36.5months).The retinal tears and detachment occurred in36.1%of fellow eyes.The giant retinal tears in the fellow eyes occurred in11.1%(4eyes).The average of diopter was-7.00D(+1.50~-18.00D).The rate of high myopia was57.6%(19eyes).The incidence of peripheral retinal degenerations was72.2%in26fellow eyes.The lattice degeneration was pre-sented in12cases(33.3%).The white-without-pressure was in9cases(25.0%).Conclusion The fellow eye of nontraumatic giant retinal tears is high risk eye of retinal tears and retinal detachment.The high myopia,lattice degenera-tion,white-without-pressure are high risk factors of retinal tears and retinal detachment.
  Key words giant retinal tear fellow eye retinal detachment
  非外伤性巨大裂孔视网膜脱离是孔源性视网膜脱离中一种复杂的视网膜脱离。其病情发展迅速,并且具有易产生增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变(Prolifer-ative of Vitreoretinopathy,PVR)及对侧眼易发病的倾向,文献报道其PVR发生率在12%~15%之间 [1] 。对侧眼视网膜裂孔发生率约为59.8%,其中巨大裂孔发生率约占16.5% [2] 。因此对非外伤性巨大视网膜裂孔对侧眼进行研究,对于预防对侧眼发病,揭示其发病机制具有十分重要的意义。

  1 资料与方法
  2 结果
  表1 对侧眼初次检查及最后一次检查时视力 (略)
  表2 对侧眼初次检查时屈光度略
  表3 对侧眼初次检查及最后检查时视网膜裂孔情况 (略)
  表4 随访结束时对侧眼周边视网膜变性发生率 周边视网膜变性类型 略
  表5 对侧眼发展成巨大视网膜裂孔情况略

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