【摘要】 目的 研究胎儿眼球径与胎龄之间的关系。方法 采用B超诊断仪对本院2002年8月~2004年3月期间部分门诊及住院孕妇346例做常规胎儿双顶径检测。结果 正常胎儿287例,胎儿宫内死亡45例,无脑儿14例。当胎龄13周时,B超可显示胎儿眼球,其时眼球径为0.4cm;临产时,眼球径的最大测值为2.0cm。正常胎儿的眼球径与双顶径比较,发现眼球径与双顶径之比为1∶5;当胎死宫内时,眼球径与双顶径之比明显<1∶5。眼球径与胎龄之间的关系在正常胎儿、宫内死亡胎儿及无脑儿中均相同。结论 胎儿眼球为一圆形的暗区,横径与前后径相一致;可根据胎儿的眼球推算出死胎与无脑儿的胎龄。
【关键词】 超声;胎儿;双顶径;眼球径
Ultrasonography in eyeball diameter of fetus:a report of 346 cases LU Wei-zhong. Section of Ultrasound,Qidong City People’s Hospital,Jiangsu 226200,China 【Abstract】 Objective To study the relation between the diameter of eyeball and the age in fetus.Methods Gray scale ultrasonography was used to mesure the biparietal diameter of fetuses for 346 inpatient or outpatient pregnant women in our hospital during August 2002 to March 2004.Results Normal fetuses were 287,dead fetuses,45,and anencephalia,14.It can be showed as an eyeball on the screen,being 0.4 cm in diameter at age of 13 weeks and 2.0 cm before delivery.The ratio of eyeball diameter to biparietal diameter in any period of normal fetus was 1∶5,while that in dead fetus was significantly lower than 1∶5.The ratio of eyeball diameter to fetus age were all the same in normal fetuses,dead fetuses,and in anencephalia.Conclusion The eyeball of fetus is a round dark area,having same transverse and anteroposterior diameter.The ages of anencephalia and dead fetuses may well be estimated according to their eyeball diameter. 【Key words】 ultrasound diagnosis;fetus;biparietal diameter;eyeball diameter
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 2002年8月~2004年3月,本院部分门诊及住院孕妇346例。
1.2 仪器 采用日产阿洛卡SSD-630型“B”型超声仪,探头频率为3.5MHz,全部病例用图像记录。
1.3 方法 孕妇取平卧位,常规检查胎儿,测量胎儿双顶径,测值均为2次以上相同(图像中显示清晰的脑中线和两侧丘脑)。然后探查胎儿眼球,反复2次以上测量眼球径线,以2次以上测值相同为准。
2 结果
2.1 正常胎儿 346例孕妇中有287例为正常胎儿,其对应的胎龄与眼球径和双顶径测量结果,见表1。
2.2 宫内死亡胎儿 346例中有45例是宫内死亡胎儿,其对应的胎龄与眼球径和双顶径测量结果,见表2。有7例胎儿死亡时间≤48h者,眼球径与双顶径之比与正常胎儿相同。在声像图上可见到胎儿的颅骨光环完整,无叠瓦状改变。其他38例死亡胎儿的眼球径与双顶径之比明显<1∶5,声像图上见到的颅骨光环显叠瓦状,但眼球径与胎龄之间的关系与正常组相同。
表1 287例正常胎儿眼球径与双顶径和胎龄的关系(略)
表2 45例死胎的眼球径、双顶径和胎龄之间的关系(略)
2.3 无脑畸形 共检出14例无脑儿,眼球径与胎龄的关系与正常胎儿相同,见表3。
表3 14例无脑儿眼球与胎龄之间的关系(略)
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