中华眼科杂志 2000年第2期第36卷 白内障
作者:朱晓青 魏文斌 施玉英 宋旭东 何永奇
单位:100730 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院眼科
【摘要】 目的 探讨超声乳化吸除术中晶状体核脱位于玻璃体腔内的原因与处理方法。方法回顾性分析1994年8月至1999年1月在我院超声乳化白内障吸除术中晶状体核脱位于玻璃体腔内的18例患者情况。结果 4例脱位晶状体核悬浮在前部玻璃体中,扩大白内障手术切口用圈套器捞出;2例脱位核碎块小于核的1/4,随访3~4年无并发症发生;1例脱位核碎块约为核的1/2,因过敏性眼内炎而最终眼球萎缩;11例晶状体核脱位后行玻璃体切除术,用过氟化碳液体将脱位核浮起后,其中7例用圈套器捞出,2例用超声粉碎晶状体核。术后主要并发症为角膜水肿。随访1个月至4年,视力均有不同程度的提高。结论 超声乳化白内障吸除术中,晶状体核脱位以周边刻槽时最易发生,中央刻槽时次之,前囊裂口向后撕裂是导致晶状体核脱位的主要原因之一,尽早行玻璃体切除术是处理超声乳化吸除术中晶状体核脱位安全、有效的方法。 Cause and management of dislocated nuclear fragments during phacoemulsification ZHU Xiaoqing, WEI Wenbin, SHI Yuying, et al. (Department of Ophthalmology, Affiliated Tongren Hospital, The Capital Medical University, Beijing 100730, China) 【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the cause and management of posteriorly dislocated lens nucleus in the vitreous cavity during phacoemulsification. Methods The authors performed a retrospective study of 18 patients with dislocation of nuclear fragment into vitreous cavity during phacoemulsification at Tong Ren Hospital from August 1994 to January 1999.Results 4 cases with dislocated nuclei floated in the anterior vitreous were removed by a lens loop from limbal extensive incision. 2 cases with their dislocated nuclei less than 1/4 of the normal size were under follow-up for 3~4 years, and no complications were observed. The final outcome in 1 case with a dislocated nucleus half of its normal size was ocular atrophy as a result of phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis. 11 cases underwent pars plana vitrectomy. In the operation the nuclei were floated anteriorly by injection of perfluoro-1,3-dimethylcyclohexane, then they were removed by a lens loop through the limbus and in 2 cases they were fragmented by ultrasound. The main post-operative complication was corneal edema. The final visual acuities generally were improved in varying degrees in 1 month to 4 years of follow-up. Conclusions During phacoemulsification, the dislocation of a nucleus is liable to first occur in the peripheral sculpting stage, and secondly in central sculpting stage. A radial tear extending posteriorly from a discontinuous anterior capsulorrhexis is the major risk factor predisposing to posterior dislocation of the nucleus or nuclear fragment. During phacoemulsification, vitrectomy should be performed as soon as possible for a nucleus dislocated into middle or posterior vitreous cavity, and it is a safe and effective method for management of dislocated nucleus. 【Key words】 Phacoemulsification; Lens nucleus
1994年8月至1999年1月我院9 000例超声乳化白内障吸除术中,晶状体核全部或部分脱位于玻璃体腔内共18例,男性10例,女性8例;年龄22~70岁,平均59岁;其中1例有眼外伤史,5例为高度近视,2例为玻璃体切除术后。术前裂隙灯下将晶状体核按LOCSⅡ分级,8例为Ⅲ级,9例为Ⅳ级,1例为Ⅴ级。术前视力<0.05者12例,0.05~0.2者5例,0.3者1例。6例为连续环形撕囊,12例为连续环形撕囊失败或开罐式截囊,玻璃体均为部分和完全液化,手术主要采取四分法和拦截劈裂法。
4例核脱位于前部玻璃体,注入粘弹剂使核上浮 ,扩大白内障隧道切口用圈套器将脱位核捞出,并同时植入前房型或后房型人工晶状体。2例因脱位核碎块小于核的1/4,未行玻璃体切除术,术中植入后房型人工晶状体,术后密切观察眼部病情变化。1例脱位核碎块约为核的1/2,由于患者拒绝手术,采用皮质类固醇类激素及其它药物抗炎治疗。
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