[摘要] 目的 分析急性闭角型青光眼临床特点、误诊的原因及预后。 方法 对2000年4月~2005年10月44例误诊的急性闭角型青光眼病例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。明确诊断后立即行解除瞳孔阻滞、降低眼压等治疗措施。结果 44例中误诊为偏头痛14例,胃肠炎6例,感冒4例,高血压19例,脑梗死1例。44例均行抗青光眼手术。 结论 对本病认识水平不足是本组病例误诊的主要原因,提高疾病认识、详细询问病史和重视眼部检查是避免误诊的关键。高眼压持续时间越长,视功能损害越重。
[关键词] 急性闭角型青光眼;内科;诊断
Clinical analysis of 44 misdiagnosed primary acute angleclosure glaucoma in department of internal medicine MING Ping, ZENG Liuzhi, ZHOU Bin.Ophthalmological Department, The Ninth Peoples Hospital of Chongqing,Chongqing 400700,China [Abstract] Objective To analyze the causes and the prognosis of misdiagnosed primary acute angleclosure glaucoma as well as its clinical manifestation.Methods By reviewing, analyzing the clinical materials of 44 misdiagnosed cases(45 eyes)of primary acute angleclosure glaucoma in our hospital from April of 2000 to October of 2005.Results The results revealed that, of the 44 cases, 14 cases were misdiagnosed as splitting headache, 6 case digestive tract illness, 4 case flu, 19 case hypertension and 1 case cerebral infarction, and that all of the 44 cases underwent operations. Conclusion The main cause of the misdiagnosis is that this disorder has not been completely realized, and the key to avoid misdiagnosis is to enhance the ability of diagnosis, enquire the history of disease carefully and attach importance to examination of eyes.The longer the time of high intraocular pressure is,the more severe the impairment of visual function is. [Key words] acute angleclosure glaucoma; internal medicine;diagnosis
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组44例(45眼)患者中,男13例,女31例。年龄55~85岁,平均62.2岁。双眼发病1例。病程最长16天,最短10 h。初次就诊到我科确诊间隔时间10 h~12天,平均5.5天。初诊时诊断高血压19例,偏头痛14例,脑梗死1例,重感冒4例,胃肠炎6例。
1.2 眼部情况 单眼发病43例,双眼发病1例。视力:光感4例(5眼),眼前10 cm手动14例(14眼),0.01~0.05 20例(20眼),0.06~0.08 6例(6眼)。44例均出现急性闭角型青光眼急性发作典型体征。我科接诊时所有病例眼压在38~81 mmHg范围。均伴发老年性白内障。
1.3 眼外表现 高血压19例,分枝脑梗死1例,患侧头痛14例,恶心呕吐或恶心未吐20例,聋哑1例。 1.4 方法 明确诊断后立即行解除瞳孔阻滞、降低眼压等治疗措施。
2 结果
出院时视野检查均出现视野损害。高眼压持续时间与确诊后治疗时间比较结果,见表1。确诊时、出院视力、视野结果,见表2。 表1 高眼压持续时间与确诊后治疗时间比较结果表2 确诊时、出院视力、视野结果
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