眼科研究 2000年第3期第18卷 临床研究
作者:贺邁 孙秉基 赵东卿 王印其 张月琴 王丽娅 李家臣
单位:450003 郑州,河南省眼科研究所
摘要 目的 评价碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)滴眼液治疗持续性角膜上皮缺损(PCED)的临床疗效。方法 观察持续性角膜上皮缺损(PCED)病人86例(包括化学烧伤18例,外伤、手术27例,角膜炎13例,其它原因28例),随机分成bFGF治疗组(43例),素高捷疗组(43例)。bFGF及素高捷疗皆滴眼4次/日,疗程14天,隔日观察上皮缺损修复和患眼局部症状、体征等指标。结果 1.bFGF治疗组与素高捷疗对照组各疗效判断指标较治疗前皆有显著性差异(P<0.01);2.bFGF治疗PCED的有效率高于素高捷疗(P<0.05);3.bFGF治疗化学烧伤、外伤、手术和角膜炎所引起的PCED的有效率分别为88.9%、100%和57.1%;4.观察过程中未见局部刺激和全身不良反应。结论 bFGF滴眼液治疗化学烧伤和外伤、手术后PCED疗效确切,安全性高。
分类号 R772
bFGF eye drops for persistent corneal epithelial defect
He Yi,Sun Bingji,Zhao Dongqing
(Henan Institute of Ophthalmology,Zhengzhou 450003)
Abstract Objective To evaluate clinical effect of basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF) eye drops for persistent corneal epithelial defect(PCED).Methods 86 cases with PCED(ie:18 eyes with chemical injury),27 eyes with traumatic and operative injury,13 eyes with keratitis and 28 eyes with other causes) were randomly divided into two groups:43 eyes were treated by bFGF;43 eyes by solcoseryl eye-gel only as control.Two groups were treated with bFGF and solcoseryl separately q.i.d.Treatment course was 14 d.Epithelial defect restoration,local symptom and sign,etc.were observed on the other day.Results (1)The difference was significant(P<0.01) in two groups;(2)The effect of bFGF was prior to that of solcoseryl in PCED(P<0.05);(3)The effective rate of bFGF in the chemical burn,traumatic,operative injury and keratitis was 88.9%,100% and 57.1%,respectively;(4)Ocular local stimulates and general side effect were not observed within treatment course.Conclusion bFGF eye drop is valuable and safe for PCED due to chemical,traumatic and operative injuries.
Key words basic fibroblast growth factor persistent corneal epithelial defect
由化学烧伤、外伤、手术、角膜炎等原因引起的持续性角膜上皮缺损(persistent corneal epithelial defects,PCED)是一种常见的眼表面疾病,传统的治疗方法有:绷带包扎、配戴软性接触镜、睑缘缝合、素高捷疗眼膏等,虽然取得一定效果,但仍不够满意。我们从1997年10月至1998年7月采用碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basic fibroblast growth factor,bFGF)滴眼液治疗43例,并与素高素疗眼膏治疗43例进行比较,现将结果报道如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 入选病例及分组
1.1.1 入选病例 A:轻、中度化学烧伤(POV存在50%以上);B:擦伤、角膜移植术后,PRK术后;C:角膜炎(单疱病毒性角膜炎、角膜营养不良等);D:其它原因(干眼症、滴眼液毒性反应等)。
表1 病例分组
Tab.1 Case groups
Groups |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Total |
bFGF |
9 |
13 |
7 |
14 |
43 |
Solcosery |
9 |
14 |
6 |
14 |
43 |
Total |
18 |
27 |
13 |
28 |
86 |
1.1.2 两组病例各项参数条件和比较
表2 两组病例各项参数条件和比较(n=43)
Tab.2 Each parameter factor and comparison between
the two groups(n=43)
Items |
bFGF |
Solcoseryl |
Sex(M/F) |
31/12 |
23/20 |
Age(a) |
37.1±19.6 |
37.2±14.2 |
Course(3d/3d~1month/>1month) |
2/14/27 |
7/13/23 |
Time of treatment(d) |
10.8±4.0 |
13.2±2.4 |
Symptom mark |
5.0±2.2 |
4.7±2.2 |
Sign mark |
2.9±2.2 |
2.2±1.9 |
Corneal defect area(mm2) |
25.7±16.3 |
25.3±21.1 |
1.2 药品来源及给药方法
1.2.1 药品来源:bFGF(贝复舒)滴眼液由珠海东大生物制药有限公司提供,批号:971102,971103;规格12000AU/5ml。素高捷疗眼膏由瑞士巴塞尔素高夫药厂生产,批号:7668807;规格5g/支。
1.2.2 给药方案:治疗组和对照组均将所用药物滴入结膜囊内1~2滴,每日4次,以两周用药为1疗程。根据具体病种,同时联合抗病毒或抗细菌滴眼液治疗。
1.3 疗效判断标准
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